Comment Rescue – Open Letter to Centrists

Filed in National by on March 2, 2020

Left of Center Democrats have been a loyal constituency of the Democratic Party, but we’ve been treated with nothing but contempt.

To Democratic centrists: If you want to get back to the center, you have to proceed due left for few cycles. A four-year jog back to center-right (Biden) will only allow the hard right to regroup.

The problem with compromising with the right is they keep moving right. They have reached the end of right wing and have built cantilevers and catwalks to extend their position out into batshit territory, and have severed any remaining link to reason. Is that really who you want to compromise with?

If Democratic “moderates” are so hungry for compromise, let them start building a compromise platform with their own left wing. Chris Coons, hang up on Marco Rubio and give AOC a call. You’ll both gain from it. The Democratic party has always been strongest when it had a strong left wing.

Doesn’t matter who I support for President, because I live in Delaware. If anyone wants to know, I’m for Warren.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Paul says:

    “The Democratic party has always been strongest when it had a strong left wing.” You must qualify that. Before the twentieth century, the Democratic party had little association with liberalism. After the election in 1972, the liberal wing was again suppressed by the center-right. Really only reached national attention in 2016.