The Dem Primaries are proportional – The Convention should be too

Filed in National by on March 4, 2020

Our Democratic primaries are democratic in that they are not “winner take all” but delegates are awarded in proportion to the vote. Unfortunately, the proportionality ends at the last primary and a “winner takes all” convention produces a candidate.

If that candidate is terrible, like Hillary Clinton for example, that “winner take all” system emboldens the candidate to bully, berate and abuse the second place finisher and that candidates supporters.

That is not a recipe for general election success. Since there are no rules governing what happens after the nomination is won, it falls to the candidate. So how ever remaining primaries and caucuses play out, Bernie or Joe will need to devise a new response to victory. A proportionate vision that goes far beyond Clinton’s “fuck you, get in line” dismissiveness.

It is that, or Trump.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    So you are saying that the convention needs to somehow merge the bodies of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders into one sentient being, that is 60% Biden and 40% Sanders?

    • jason330 says:

      Uh, I was more thinking that we have to emerge from the convention (if Biden wins) with a party and message that acknowledges Warren and Sanders voters as a real part of the Democratic Party with legitimate concerns.

      And if Sanders wins we need to emerge from the convention with a party that acknowledges that millionaires and billionaires can be Democrats too.

      Sorry that wasn’t clear.

      • Dave says:

        The former is doable and must be done. The latter may be a hill too high for many/most progressives, escpecially for Sanders. And unless it comes from Sanders, with conviction, it won’t happen. I wouldn’t bet on it.

    • ben says:

      itd be more like 70% biden 30% pied piper.

      fuck bernie.

      ( to understand this, you need to understand that as an Eagles fan, I hate poorly performing Eagles players the most. you have to assume your adversary will try to win, dont blame them for your loss. )

      • jason330 says:

        “ you have to assume your adversary will try to win, dont blame them for your loss”

        I get that. I’m talking about after the win or lose. What happens next can be good for the party or bad for it.

        • ben says:

          agreed. The best thing for the party would be to take over state houses and congress with progressives and send President Biden progressive legislation to sign.
          the other option is destruction.

          The progressive movement must move on from Bernie if it wants to survive. I said that 3.7 years ago.

  2. Andrew C says:

    Bernseph Sanden.
    Joenie Binders.

    Pick one.

  3. meatball says:

    A coalition presidency. A 1st place/second place ticket.

  4. jason330 says:

    Whoever comes in SECOND at the convention should have the right of first refusal. Since 1984 this would have given us many unity tickets.

    B Clinton/Brown
    Obama/H Clinton
    H Clinton/Sanders

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Joe Biden needs 53% of the remaining vote to win the nomination.

    Bernie Sanders needs 54%.

    Don’t get swept up in the narrative that this is impossible.


    Oh good morning!