REV is gone for good this time

Filed in National by on March 8, 2020

I was wrong to put up with all the nihilism for so long.  I don’t comment on behind the curtain stuff, but I want to publicly apologize to EL Som and Alby for letting it go so long.  

Nobody needs  this.    My bad.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Hey, everyone,

    Much as I enjoy this website, I think that it would be a little better for me, at least, if some of the folks in the photographs were identified. I mean, some of them are pretty obvious, but I don’t know who this Leo Gorcey lookalike is, and how he relates to the post.


  2. Faithful Skeptic says:

    Mike Dinsmore has a point, you just ignored it, par for the course.

    Change of subject: so what’s with the REV disembowling? Those of us who get dumped on for asking legit questions aren’t crying crocodile tears, you understand, but if you’re going to announce his dismissal, how about giving us the background?

    I’d end with the National Enquirer slogan, but that might get me blocked.

    • Ben says:

      i think REV was a contributor, not an annoying comenter like you can me. our rules are a lot more lax. and stop being so self entitled about everything, you arent owed an explanation. bUt tHaT MiGht gEt mE BlOcKeD…… give yer balls a tug… respectfully.

      id say if you want to know why, consider any rev statement over the past year. dude passed “devil’s advocate” or “fight trainer” long ago went headlong into bitter troll. I wish the human behind the internet person well… for realz… but the internet persona got stale and, more seriously, very counter productive.

  3. jason330 says:

    I was wrong to put up with all of REV’s nihilism for so long. I don’t know how I can be more clear. Whatever has been, it has been loyal to the Democratic Party for good or ill. Nihilism is not a Democratic or democratic value.

    Where any Dem (Coons or Carper, or anyone) falls short of our democratic values, we call them out. But we’ve always regarded as the Democratic Party and the labor movement as the only real bulwark against rampant capitalism.

    FTR – The original picture was me in full. I put it up with this apology to signify how sincere the apology was. I typically don’t comment on blog business, but enquiring minds want to know. Now they do.

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Thanks for that FTR. It’s always better to put a face to the name, but I’d also suggest putting a name slug under the photos that you post of the various politicians and others here. I don’t buy the TNJ, and I refuse to break the paywall, so I don’t know who half these people are, especially if the photo doesn’t relate to the post.

      Somehow, I didn’t think that was you in the Billy Jack hat. 🙂

    • Faithful Skeptic says:

      Thanks for explaining the situation with REV.

      I for one wasn’t sure whose picture you posted.

      I may be a bit thin-skinned about being slimmed, mostly by REV, but so be it. Still, DL is a place I turn to for information, not cannon balls.

      @Ben, testicles tugged, thanks for asking.

  4. Dave says:

    He was a detraction, distraction, and a polemic. Honestly, he fit my perception of a typical Bernie Bro.

    I won’t miss him, but I wish him well.

  5. AQC says:

    Thank you!

  6. jason330 says:

    The tension that informs all disputes between any Democrats arises from the fact that liberals are loyal to the Democratic Party even when the party is so utterly and consistently disloyal to them.

    I think we all have some coping strategies to deal with that cognitive dissonance. Some coping strategies are better than others.

  7. annoymouss says:

    Thank you. That guy was unbearable.