Joe Shows What a Real President Sounds Like

Filed in National by on March 12, 2020

Joe Biden gave a speech about the coronavirus a short while ago that ought to help people remember what they threw away on Nov. 9, 2016. Here it is:

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  1. jason330 says:

    Everyone listen to this. It is Joe Biden at his best.

    I only wish we’d have this kind of shadow presidency (and shadow cabinet) all along.

  2. RSE says:

    Some officials in the Chinese government along with various news outlets in Russia , Iran, and China are pushing conspiracy theories blaming the US for the CV, even going as far as claiming the US developed the virus as a bioweapon.

    Bioweapon or not, when this whole mess is over, world leaders should get together and make it an international crime to perform any sort of study and or development of pathogens for any use other than the medical benefit of society. I would even take it one step further and make it illegal to use nature in any way to wage war, no dolphins, no insects, no carrier pigeons…OK, carrier pigeons are fine, but you get my drift.

    • RSE says:

      Bioweapons are already “technically” banned, so I guess we have nothing to worry about.

  3. RSE says:

    If you can smell someone smoking in the car in front of you, would that mean that viruses could also emanate from said car?

    • meatball says:

      You are definitely out there, pleb. Don’t you also believe that global climate change is a democratic hoax after the tutoring from a debunked and disgraced professor at U of D?

      • RSE says:

        “debunked and disgraced professor at U of D?”

        You mean world-renowned climatologist Charles R Mather Ph.D., who literally wrote the book on climatology? I see you really know what you are talking about.

        • Alby says:

          I think you mean John R. Mather, whose research had nothing to do with climate change. His opinions on it were therefore just that, opinions. His real work was on water budgets and its effect on soils, according to the Encyclopedia of World Climatology.

          But do go on.

  4. Martha W says:

    Great speech but also, I think it would be great if a D candidate could have speech content that didn’t have anything to do with our current administration. Champion your own ideas and rhetoric. If you cant speak without crapping on someone else, then you don’t really have much to say. If Biden had any original ideas, he wouldn’t need to reference ANY administration.

    • Alby says:

      It would have been political malpractice to do what you’re suggesting.

      The contrast is the point. You can’t contrast something with nothing.

      Also, too, as Elizabeth Warren learned, you get punished for being too detailed. Gauzy generalities are what most people want, and Joe is going to give them what they want.