DL Open Thread: Weds., March 18, 2020

Filed in Featured by on March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Grows Exponentially In US.   For the most up-to-date count on the pandemic, the Johns Hopkins interactive map is the place to go.  As I write this, the US is at 6496 confirmed cases and 114 confirmed deaths.  By the time I finish writing this, the numbers will be higher.  BTW, Trump claims he knew it was gonna be a pandemic all along.  Which, if true, makes his non-response even more unforgivable.

Progressive Ousts Lipinski in Illinois.  Marie Newman defeats Dan Lipinski.  Betcha the Corporate Media underplays this one b/c it doesn’t fit their meme.  BTW, was watching Morning Joe until everyone called for Bernie Sanders to drop out.  Because, why, exactly?

McConnell Promises To Pass House Stimulus Bill With No Changes.  Hey, it will free up more time for him to convince Republican judges to retire so that Trump can replace them with Federalist Society true-believers.

The Night That Obama Destroyed Trump.  In hindsight, it was likely the night that Trump decided he would try to eviscerate everything that Obama did.

‘Trump Drove Him Back To China, Where He Invented A Fast Coronavirus Test’.  A fascinating story that is being repeated several times over.

How Global Banks Are Bankrolling Fossil Fuel Industry.  Not exactly what was envisioned in the Paris accords, to put it mildly.  Mealy-mouthed platitudes from executives can’t hide what the banks are doing.

Could Trump’s Coronavirus Non-Response Sink Him In Florida?  It’s not helping him in a state that is especially dependent on the service industry.

Stuart Stevens: It Was All A Lie.  One of the leading R strategists concludes that the Rethugs have been nothing but the ‘White Grievance Party’ since Goldwater.  Today’s absolute must-read, courtesy of Alby, somewhere in the EU.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    The hardcore 35-38 % of Trump supporters is locked in. I don’t see how Trump’s Coronavirus Non-Response (or anything) could sink him In Florida, unless they literally die off.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I dunno. As of this afternoon, the stock market had lost all of the gains of the Trump years. That’s pretty much the main selling point he’d had going for him.

      All those people who moved to Florida to avoid paying taxes–they’re gonna get the government they’re not paying for.

  2. Arthur says:

    Considering a good portion of FLA is still open at bars, restaurants, etc at “limited” capacity I dont think they care

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    The eight Rethugs who voted against the coronavirus aid bill:

    Sens. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), James Inhofe (Okla.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), James Lankford (Okla.), Mike Lee (Utah), Paul, Sasse and Tim Scott (S.C.).