DL Open Thread: Sat., April 18, 2020

Filed in Featured by on April 18, 2020

Trump Foments Insurrection.  There’s no other way to interpret his ‘Liberate’ tweets.   He is both utterly irresponsible and demonstrably mentally-ill.  The fact that his MAGATs take whatever he says as Gospel is dangerous. With his encouragement of protests and the prevalence of arms among his supporters, we can only hope that another Charlottesville is not in our future.  Washington Governor Jay Inslee puts it best. It’s rare that I consider any statement from a politician to be a must-read.  This is the exception. Oh, the right-wing donors behind the supposedly spontaneous grassroots protests?  Among others, the DeVos family.

Testing Doesn’t Match Calls To Reopen.   We need at least three times the number of tests per month than we’re doing.  Here’s where the Trump non-plan stands today. Trump’s total abdication of responsibility on testing virtually ensures that this won’t happen.  He’ll blame it on the governors.  Trump Fatigue has to be a real thing, doesn’t it?

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global. The latest carnage:  706,779 confirmed cases and 37,079 deaths in the US.  At this rate, we will blow past 50,000 deaths before this time next week.

Virginia Goes Full Monty On Access To Voting.  Elections matter, and here is the proof.  I think Virginia’s going solid blue moving forward. It’s what tends to happen when all voters have the opportunity to vote. No wonder Trump is calling for insurrection in Virginia ‘to support your great Second Amendment’.  If that isn’t a call to arms, I don’t know what is.  Pretty much any other American would be subject to arrest for inciting violence.

Florida Governor Reopens Beach With Predictable Results. Duval County was already a hot spot. This, um, won’t help to reverse the trend.

Beer A Victim Of Coronavirus?  Supplies of CO2 are dwindling.  Say-y-y, can we stop global warming and save beer with some good ol’-fashioned American ingenuity?

Wilmington City Council To Consider Giving Themselves Raises.  Bud Freel, who is retiring, is sponsoring this money-grab…at a time when Wilmington’s finances are gonna take a hit from the coronavirus shutdown.  Bad bill, worse timing.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Beer lovers, relax. Most bottled beer is naturally carbonated. Forced carbonation is used mostly in kegs — and with bars and restaurants closed, there won’t be much demand for it until conditions ease.

  2. Andrew C says:


    Welp, looks like Delaware is set to have a protest of its own. Surely not inspired by any current president, no sir.

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    I wonder how health insurers feel about these Magat zombie protesters and their risky behavior. All the protesting fools are fired up by the impotus and his Russian trolls are simply spreading the virus. Hopefully they die quick and at home!