DL Open Thread: Sun., May 17, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 17, 2020

Trump’s Troglodytes Head To Rehoboth.  Their Constitutional right to infect others is being violated.  I can’t emphasize this enough: The President is openly encouraging insurrection and violating the law.  It’s only a matter of time before we have another Charlottesville.  If natural selection is a ‘thing’, it’s time for it to kick in.

Obama: Trump ‘Not Even Pretending To Be In Charge’.  If anybody can drag Delaware’s cellar dweller across the finish line, it’s Obama.

Trump’s New Vaccine Czar Owns More Than $10 Mill In Vaccine Company Shares.  Is it mere coincidence that the company received $483 million in vaccine funding last month?  It’s the Trump Administration, there’s no such thing as a coincidence.

Justin Amash-Up Canceled.  He’s not running for President. Michigan’s safe.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global.  The latest carnage:  1,467,884 confirmed cases and 88,754 deaths in the United States.  Deaths will likely exceed 100,000 a week from Monday.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    I don’t think that there is any virtue or benefit to politicizing this pandemic unless your partisanship outways your desire for the best conclusion of this crisis.

    The fact is that, barring a rapid development of a vaccine, we don’t even know if doing nothing at all would actually save more lives in the long run than trying to flatten the curve of transmission.

    Flattening the curve prolongs the pandemic and leaves more of the population without at least partial immunity to possible mutations for a longer period of time. The possibility of a more deadly virus resulting from cross-species transmission is a real possibility.

    The natural condition for all species is to survive. Science can sometimes help this condition, and sometimes it allows us just enough technology and knowledge to be dangerous….Sort of like a monkey on a motorcycle carrying a shotgun.

    • Jason330 says:

      Hmmm.. The only way to stop a monkey on a motorcycle carrying a shotgun is 100 monkeys on motorcycles carrying shotguns, right?

      WTF, Dude get a grip.

    • meatball says:

      The whole idea of flattening the curve in any pandemic is so that hospital capacity isn’t exceeded. Also, there are now multiple cases of patient’s who have recovered becoming infected again including 13 from the Theodore Roosevelt.

      Oh, and there is only one side politicizing the pandemic….doesn’t even matter what country we are talking about.

      And climate change is real and will kill millions more….only one side politicizing that issue as well.

      • Jason330 says:

        Well said. Get a load of these fucking assholes trying to adopt a reasonable tone then capping it off with Motorcycle monkey nonsense metaphors. Why not wear a sandwich board to Rehoboth Ave: “I’m a ridiculous doofus”

      • RSE says:

        This is a comment I made on April 20, so you don’t have to explain to me what flattening the curve is….and if you don’t think both sides are politicizing this then you have some serious blinders on.

        “Flattening of the curve doesn’t necessarily mean less people will be infected, it can just mean that the rate of infection is spread out over time and that a spike hopefully won’t overwhelm our healthcare system…There are different approaches being taken with this pandemic and we will have a better understanding of which was the most successful when it can be evaluated.”

        • RSE says:

          I am personally following strict protocol and have been for months, but I have witnessed people who complain about how Trump has mishandled the pandemic, who do not follow protocol at all…. Puzzling to say the least.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    It is difficult for me to imagine that anyone thinks that Delaware has flattened the “curve” or that now is the moment to reopen Delaware for business. Today we experienced another disturbing milestone event. 15 new Covid19 deaths were recorded setting a new single day record.
    Governor Carney has staked out a position that the number of victims requiring hospitalization will be the key factor considered in analyzing a “flattening” of the curve. Unfortunately the number of tests administered and the number of positives will not be the prime consideration in planning a gradual reopening. In addition the daily record death toll figure gets only a cursory glance and couched as the “elderly, the “vulnerable with a preexisting condition” or the “nursing home residents” This acceptance of “collateral” damage appears to be an acquiescence to the business interests and Chamber of Commerce influencers who weigh their own economic interests above the health, welfare and lives of all Delawareans.
    Even more disconcerting is the callous disregard for the health of others expressed by some individuals clamoring to “reopen Delaware” and “storm the beaches”. Their angry rhetoric consisting of unsubstantiated and inaccurate facts displays a rejection of logic that they would like us to believe is a defense of their constitutional rights.
    As an elected public servant I will not succumb to intimidating and coercive actions that are based in illogical rhetoric. Scientists and experts are working feverishly to plot a responsible and safer course moving forward and I and many of my colleagues will support those legitimate efforts. Every life matters, whether it be young or old, black, brown or white, rich or poor.

    Rep. John Kowalko

  3. Jason330 says:

    100,000 dead is one 9/11 attack every other day since the first fatality.

  4. puck says:

    Until yesterday, I didn’t realize how much I would hate wearing a mask when it is hot out. (I’m still going to wear it though).

  5. paul says:

    “By the time I’m finished 50 state capitols, and the socialist powers they stood for, will reduced to rubble. All 50, rubble. And it will be the best rubble. It will be patriot rubble. We patriots anoint the patriot rubble with their blood.”