DL Open Thread: Mon., June 15, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 15, 2020

The Coronavirus Spike Is Real, And Trump Is Pretending It Isn’tWhat better time to end unemployment benefitsThe latest hot spots:  Gainesville, FL; Lake County, FL (Home of The Villages); St. Petersburg, FL;  Midland County, TX; Hays County TX; Ector County, TX; Yavapai County, AZ (went 2-1 for Trump in 2016).  These are just some of the larger counties. There are a whole buncha less populous rural counties as well.

Trump’s Tulsa Rally A Petri Dish For COVID?  I’m sorry. If these idiots wanna go to a Trump rally unmasked, let ’em.

Two Shots In The Back. Just try to imagine how many times cops have lied to justify killing Black suspects in the pre-body camera era.  No wonder Pistol Pete Schwartzkopf is fighting so hard against cameras. Have I mentioned lately that he shouldn’t be Speaker? Hey, Pete, you OK with the Seattle cops macing this kid?  You are fighting for the rights of police to abuse their power and then lie about it. Tough guy. Hey, read what happens when your cop buddies use their Tasers.  You’ve been part of the problem ever since you put on that uniform.  And you’ve got two cop groupies in leadership with you.  Yo, House Democratic Caucus–where the fuck are you?

The News Journal Interviews Pistol Pete. When it comes to policing, the Delaware Way is in plain sight here. BTW, something tells me that Sarah Gamard just might have read our blog on this matter. Specifically, this piece.

Kudlow: We Never Promised To Release Names Of Loan Recipients. Yes they did. Gee, you think there’s any potential for insider favors here?

Judge Denies ‘Qualified Immunity’ In WV Murder By Cop.  Meanwhile,  Black Senator Tim Scott plays the ‘useful idiot’ in providing cover for GOP senators.  He’s a prop, nothing more.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    If Kudlow has learned one thing is that he will never, ever, ever have to pay a price for lying.

    In fact, It is strange to think that a 20 second video of Trump walking down a ramp looking like a doddering fool will damage his re-election chances more than constant fire hose spray of lies and villainy.

    America is stupid.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    Scumbucket Larry Kudlow’s wife got a huge loan from the stimulus package and he bragged about how easily. Charlatans and Con artists are feasting on the apathetic drones.
    Rep. John Kowalko