DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 18, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 18, 2020

“Do Me A Favor, Though…”:  “…Buy our farmers’ stuff, and I’ll win the election and give you a sweetheart trade deal.”  Oh, and look the other way on those concentration camps.  Likely the biggest news out of the Bolton book. For some reason, Trump/Barr are trying to stop the book’s release, even though the salacious information is already out there.  I know it’s stating the obvious, but Bolton could have testified to all this, but chose not to.  All the better to maximize book sales.  Predictably, Trump goes off.

Coronavirus Firmly Planted In Trump Country. The latest hot spots:   Union County, OR. (almost all due to an outbreak at a Pentecostal church where nobody wears masksBoise, ID; Williamson County, TX, which features Sun City, Texas’ version of the Villages; and practically the entire state of Alabama.  A little schadenfreude from Arizona.

1.5 million Filed For Unemployment Last Week.  More than expected.

State Of Delaware Financial Projections ‘Less Bad’.  What a weird year.  The General Assembly session that wasn’t.  Although… we might finally get a ban on police chokeholds…actually the criminalization of police chokeholds.  Which is legit progress. Even the Unholy Trinity that controls the House D Caucus is on board.  Only because they dare not oppose it. 

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. BREAKING!: Dreamers Survive! 5-4 decision, with Chief Justice Roberts as the swing vote. Hasn’t even hit the wires yet. But it’s real–and spectacular.

    “You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”-John Lennon

    OK, here’s an article from the decision:

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/18/us/trump-daca-supreme-court.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

  2. Jason330 says:

    Trump’s defense against Bolton’s many disclosures is … uh… odd.

    “Because these are things I said, this is all top secret info, motherfuckers!”

    1) No it isn’t
    2) You just confirmed it all, you dolt.

    And yet… the wobbly, old-man-walk down the ramp will have more impact on the elections because America is dumb.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Bolton’s book seems to indicate that the Ukraine incident was not unique, and that Trump played the same game with China to boost his chances in 2020. As noted by others if Bolton had testified I doubt it would have changed a single Republican vote in the senate. As for the Dreamers and the supreme court, well…… Every now and then they get one right. And make white supremacists heads explode.

  4. puck says:

    The basis of the DACA decision may make it more difficult to reverse Trump’s executive orders.

  5. John Kowalko says:

    Press Advisory:
    For immediate release
    Thursday 6/18/20
    Contact John Kowalko
    25th District Representative
    302 737 2396
    302 547 9351

    State Lawmakers Release Open Letter of Support and Commitment to Delaware’s Black Community and the Black Legislative Caucus.
    Nine members of the Delaware State Legislature have released a letter denouncing systemic racism and pledging full commitment for all legislative reforms necessary to secure equal justice and equal treatment for Delaware’s black community. The reality of black disenfranchisement and systemic racism in our society today demands that legislators acknowledge their past failures and face their responsibilities to repair the damage.
    Representative Kowalko said, “To begin healing the wounds suffered by black people we must first acknowledge and accept our responsibilities in inflicting those wounds, whether by our actions or through a complicity of silence”.
    State Representative Ray Seigfried added that “Meaningful change will require a deeper commitment from all of us. As I confront this situation head-on, I realize that this is more than just banning chokeholds or kneeholds. It’s also about civil rights, public trust, community policing, national standards, transparency, and accountability. It’s about Federal, State, and local legislative changes that together will create new behaviors from law enforcement, institutions, and agencies to protect every citizen equally”
    In addition Representative Paul Baumbach notes that “There is no excuse that parents of Black children must still have ‘the Talk,’ due to the persistent gulf between policing of White and Black America. The murder of George Floyd has led to the raising of voices across our state and country, demanding change. We must act, now.”
    “Delaware’s white State Legislators comprise more than 85% of the total body and that significant imbalance makes it obvious with whom the responsibility for change rests” concluded Representative Kowalko.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Here is the letter that was sent to the Governor, entire GA, Jennings (DOJ), Wilmington Urban League, DE. NAACP, Delaware Congressional delegation, all media outlets.
      Thanks to the legislators who signed on.

      We, the undersigned, submit this open letter as elected Delaware legislators who have been appalled by police actions of the last few weeks. We have been equally appalled by the attempt to shift focus to “looters”, seemingly to distract attention from the cry of racism and black disenfranchisement.
      The recent events surrounding and following the brutal public murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by four members of that city’s police force have once more brought into focus a certain unforgiveable inhumanity that exists. It’s time for political leaders who are not persons of color to stop simply saying “we understand, we feel your pain, we feel your frustration”, and all the other clichés that we so often use to suggest empathy and sympathy. We are privileged but privilege comes at the expense of those who are deprived. Privilege also carries a responsibility and we must make changes, dramatic changes, life altering changes and we must make them today.
      As legislators who are not persons of color we have a duty to our constituents, our children, and our fellow legislators who are persons of color to not only speak out but to take action. We must show our commitment to ending racism and economic injustice. We can and must do more. We have a duty to be the leaders that our constituents elected us to be. We must address racial disparities. We must be brave enough to put our voices forth and commit to change. We are going to be the change that we need to be.
      We have always been stunned by the suggestion that it is the fault of the underdog that they do not do enough to help themselves or make changes. It is NEVER the responsibility of the oppressed to be the catalyst. It is the duty of the suppressor to change, and for elected leaders to ensure that these changes occur.
      Legislators can and must make critical changes in law to reverse cultural discrimination and economic disenfranchisement.
      We will be working with our colleagues to propose a Bill of Rights, encompassing legislation and policies which will help ensure basic economic and social fairness. Following is a list of some of those proposals but note that the list is not all-encompassing.
      • Total commitment to the “Justice For All Agenda” announced by Delaware’s Black Legislative Caucus at their 6/10/20 press conference
      • Revisit and reform the Police Officers’ bill of rights to allow more transparency and oversight that is inadequate in the current version.
      • Amend criminal statutes governing excessive uses of force to hold police officers accountable for reckless behavior
      • Reviewing Training and Education of Officers. Training academies for all law enforcement must review current use of force training standards for law enforcement and develop model training standards to ensure that all officers receive the best instruction in their interactions with the public.
      • Create mental health initiatives and offering targeted mental health supports for officers to deal with trauma and reduce stigma for getting help.
      • Strengthening of rules for police to live by regarding interactions with minority community members, training for police, and swift punishment when they do not abide by civil obedience laws
      • Encourage and assist municipalities and Counties in the creation of local citizen advisory boards.
      • Help hotlines and follow up for minorities and families who have been misserved
      • Creation of a Delaware State Law Enforcement Advisory Commission that reviews allegations of misconduct by law enforcement personnel
      • $15/hour minimum wage
      • Equal access to health care

      Representative Paul Baumbach
      Representative David Bentz
      Representative Gerald Brady
      Representative Earl Jaques
      Representative John Kowalko
      Senator Harris McDowell
      Representative Ray Seigfried
      Senator Dave Sokola
      Representative John Viola

  6. John Carney: Progress By Executive Order.

    Real progress:


    Banning of chokeholds; required deescalation training for state police; banning of posting mugshots of children; mandating participation in national use-of-force database, and increased crisis intervention training and mental health services for police.

    Of course, Executive Orders only remain in effect for the term of office of the Governor, so these changes and others must be made permanent in statute.