DL Open Thread: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 8, 2020

Trump Demands Schools Reopen-Does Nothing To Make Schools Safe.  He just wants the talking point that America is back, has no interest in protecting students, teachers, staff and their families.  He and Betsy DeVos make quite the team.  My daughter, who is a high school math teacher in Rhode Island, and a damn good one, has been staying with us along with her husband.  Virtually every day, she is on Zoom meetings working to prepare for the fall and the myriad of contingencies facing schools.  They have to plan for a full reopening, a partial reopening, and full learning from home.  They have to prepare for students whose parents will not permit to be physically present, students who develop symptoms while at school, you name it. Trump has no idea what is going on behind the scenes, what the challenges are, and he doesn’t care.  The very idea of this simpleton pressuring schools to reopen b/c (a) economy and (b) his political fortunes makes me hate him even more. 

Trump’s War On Voting By Mail Could Bring Down Rethugs.  Even more than they’re gonna get brought down in November, I mean.  BTW, reporters? You don’t have to use the term ‘nervous Republican operatives’ any more.  To be a Rethug operative is to be perpetually nervous this year.

The Sh*t Show That Is Testing In Arizona.  Trump’s already lost Florida.  Ducey is well on his way to turning Arizona blue.

Airline Companies Got Bailouts To Protect Workers–Then Laid Off Workers.  Crooks gonna steal. Corporate crooks gonna steal big.

The Obligatory Trump Family Dysfunction Piece.  I’m sure you’ve likely devoured more than one by now.

Chief Justice Roberts’ Head Injury.  I include this only to start the countdown until Trump blames the Chief Justice’s ‘liberal’ decisions on the injury, and calls for him to step aside.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Filed under “Late Stage Capitalism: Unless you use slave labor, you can’t compete”

    Brooks Brothers is the latest casualty of the Covid pandemic, filing for bankruptcy protection in New York today. The upscale clothiers, one of the last to make garments in the U.S., has been in business for 200 years.

    The closely held company, which is owned by Italian businessman Claudio Del Vecchio, filed for bankruptcy protection in Wilmington, Del., on Wednesday. One of the few brands to make clothes domestically, it warned in June that it could close its three U.S. factories. It operates roughly 250 North America stores.

    • It wasn’t JUST that. A lot of their business is weddings, other formal occasions, Bar Mitzvahs and the like. Occasions that weren’t taking place. Since they had been in trouble for awhile, that pushed them over the edge.

  2. BREAKING: Supreme Court allows employers with religious objections to deny contraceptive coverage to employees:


  3. BREAKING: Supreme Court rules that teachers at religious schools not protected by anti-bias laws:


    Well, those two decisions suck.

  4. Trump blisters CDC guidelines for reopening schools, threatens funding cuts to schools that don’t reopen on time:


  5. mhomewood says:

    El Som, as someone who teaches at a community college in Arizona, I’m double shit-showed 🙂 The only saving grace is the CC I teach at, although presently is listing some classes (including mine) as in-person, I don’t think that I’ll teach in person as my intro to computers class is (i’m doing my summer class entirely online) and can easily be done online. If we tried to go in-person, then no more group discussions, no more passing around parts of a computer, no more joking around, everyone in a mask….WHAT’s the point. The reason to have the class in-person is to have all of the fun stuff. I think we are listing the class as online just to help enrollment (my classes are presently full). But I’ve been at the same types of meeting that your daughter has been at.

  6. bamboozer says:

    As noted by many if you think Trump is dangerous and destructive now imagine him reelected and unbound, it makes the talk of an attempted dictatorship all the more likely. Waiting for a parental revolt if DeVos and Trump succeed in open up the schools, note how well that went with businesses. Finally suspect we’re going to see many more deaths in coming days, certainly seems like the set is staged for it.

  7. Scott’s back. Walker, that is. He’s now the 7th Rethug in the race for governor. More on Friday with my Political Weekly, where I’ll unveil my new nickname for the irredeemable human carcass that is Scott Walker.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    There seem to be some irregularities with Walker’s filing form. DoE will have more info tomorrow.