Rob talks about the Green New Deal for Delaware w/Madinah Wilson-Anton & Victor Perez)
I haven’t heard the whole thing yet, but if the concept of intersectionality bothers you, or if you think we have to sacrifice “the environment” for “the economy” – this podcast probably is not for you. PS – I’m a little behind posting these and maybe missed a few. So don’t depend on me. Just go to Patreon. Subscribe and support. Local independent media is more important than ever.
State Representative candidate Madinah Wilson-Anton and UD Professor Victor Perez join Rob in the virtual bunker to talk about what a Green New Deal for Delaware would look like on a policy level, a scientific level, a social level, and a political level.
Show Notes:
This is an absolute must-listen. For many reasons. But I’ll list just one:
Madinah Wilson-Anton would immediately make a huge difference in Dover on issues that matter. On the Green New Deal, on environmental racism. She is a serious person, and would help transition the General Assembly to a more pro-active and essential body.
Listen, see if you agree. Every time I hear her, I can only pray that her constituents deserve someone of her caliber representing them.