DL Open Thread: Sun., August 9, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 9, 2020

Trump Signs Buncha Executive Orders On Economic Relief.  They don’t do what he says they’re gonna do, they will once again force states to siphon money from other programs and, oh, yes, nobody knows if he has the authority to do what he did.   Dana Milbank was right. It only gets worse. Every single day. An analysis.  This from Jeff Stein of the Washington Post:

1/ Evictions: No eviction moratorium or new rental $, asks HUD to “consider” if evictions should stop

2/ Unemployment: Uses $44B from FEMA to cover $300/week benefit for ~5 more weeks

3/ Taxes: Option to defer payroll tax payment, but w/o new law they’ll still be due.

In other words, three of the Executive Orders weren’t Executive Orders.  Not to mention, the so-called orders would cut Social Security and Medicare.

The Moment When Trump Forged A Bond With White Evangelicals.  They won’t abandon him any time soon.

Trump Lies About Passing Veterans’ Health Care Bill, Gets Called Out On It, And…flees the press conference.

Midwest The Next Covid Hot Spot?  Looks like it:

Modeling by the PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia shows that coronavirus cases are likely to rise sharply across the midwest through August.

“It is clear now that from Indiana, through Ohio and into Kentucky and Missouri, as well as northward into Illinois and Michigan, there is substantial increased risk throughout the region,” it said.

Alarmed by rising infections, Wisconsin’s governor last week declared a public health emergency and required masks to be worn indoors. But that immediately fell victim to the politics of coronavirus as at least 16 county sheriffs said they would not enforce the order.

The Florence County Sheriff’s Office told residents: “Wear a mask if you want, if you don’t want to, that is fine also”. In Oneida county, the sheriff said the governor’s order “is in violation of the constitution” while the sheriff of Racine county called the order “government overreach”.

Government by sheriff. What could go wrong?

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  1. Alby says:

    Among his orders was cutting the payroll tax to fund Social Security. He just gave every Democrat the ammo they need to blast the Republicans as a minority party that’s actively trying to hurt Americans.

  2. Headball says:

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