Delaware United Announces Endorsements For Legislative Races

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 11, 2020

Not a clunker in the bunch:

“It is with great pride that Delaware United announces the first round of endorsements for this election season. We have also scheduled our first debate for this election season.

Endorsement Announcement!

Join us in supporting these fine candidates by donating to their campaigns to help get them over the finish line.


You can also support them by sharing on your social media the graphics we created for the candidates on Delaware United’s Facebook.
These individuals were selected because of their commitment to and alignment with the Delaware United Platform. Each of them has signed a pledge swearing to uphold the highest degree of ethics, morals, and progressive values from now until the day they step out of office. In that pledge, they agreed to always vote in favor of the people, to remain accountable to their constituents, not to large corporations, and to support the transformative change that Delaware needs right now.
Congratulations to these fine candidates endorsed by Delaware United:


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  1. Jill Bleyer says:

    County Clerk?