Brian Holajter’s Red Alert – Part 1

Filed in National by on August 15, 2020

There is an email going around from Coons’ field director, Brian Holajter, in which poor Brian is freaking out. It is hard to know if it is a genuine freakout or a showy freakout intended to scare the troops into re-doubling their efforts to keep the GOP’s favorite Democrat in the Senate. If it is not real, it should be.

I’ve mentioned this before but I think the overlapping progressive primary challengers are likely to boost turnout in New Castle county and help Scarane. It is hard to imagine a Marie Pinkney voter “splitting the ticket” to vote for Coons. The same goes for supporters of Larry Lambert, Madinah Wilson-Anton, Eric Morrison, Coby Owens, or Shané Darby.

Sure it would have been nice if these campaigns were able to engage in the true canvasing that is the lifeblood of a grassroots campaign, but even without the door knocking, these are the districts with activated progressives:

State Senate, District 13
State House, District 7
State House, District 26
State House, District 27

These are the districts that can contribute tipping point turn out to topple Coons and his garbage politics. In part 2 of this post I’ll dig into turnout in this districts and try to let Brian know where his freakout meter should be right now.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Also, an aside.

    Brian, dude? What’s up with that LinkedIn profile pic? You like like a guy who is edgy to get back to Charlottesville with his tiki torch.

    C’mon bro. Lighten up.

  2. Dem Morons says:

    you guys are idiots, Coons by 20%

    • Jason330 says:

      60/40 would actually be incremental improvement for a progressive primary challenger to Delaware’s corporate hegemony.

      Remember it is a movement not an election.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    I am told that this political beat reporter for the Dark side network is digging in to Coon’s “primary problem”. Chris LOVES to be on national cable maybe we can help him get more coverage:)
    And send Jes some $$$$ please!

  4. Brian Holajter? John Cartier’s ex-Council Assistant? Seems like we maybe have the Peter Principle in effect here. Plus, I thought he was moving to Colorado.

    Kids, when you’re Chris Coons and you don’t put ‘Democrat’ on your signs, that’s not an oversight. It means you’re not even running as a Democrat.