DL Open Thread: Sunday, August 16, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 16, 2020

Morally-Bankrupt Nursing Homes Hire Trump-Friendly Lobbyists.  The pandemic’s most striking example of literally killing your parents, then begging for mercy b/c you’re an orphan.

Justice Department Goes After Yale–For Discriminating Against White Applicants.  Right. Something like 11% of all Yale admissions are ‘legacy’ admissions. You know, like Dubya. How many of those legacy students do you think are minorities?

How Much Do You Really Know About Mike Pence? This ad will enlighten you.  Uh, creepy, much?

Trump’s Defense Secretary Looks To Cut $2.2 Billion In Military Health Care.  Well, somebody’s got to pay for those subsidies to Trump’s hotels.

Trump Digital Ads To Overrun DNC Convention.  There’s no escaping him. Not even here in Delaware, the Virtual Home Of The Democratic Party. Speaking of no escape, can someone please explain to me why both Clintons have speaking slots at the convention?  Not to mention John Kasich? Yuck. I think The Nation nailed it–a centrist hoedown.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “…when you peer beyond the optics, what you’ll see is a party that is afraid to make an argument based on policy. It doesn’t want to fight Republicans in the trenches over the decades-long evisceration of the social safety net or the Republicans’ unwashed bigotry toward people of color and the LGBTQ community. It just wants to offer character paeans to Joe Biden and hope the country’s general disgust with Donald Trump will do the rest.”

    My worst fear, that Biden will sell out everyone to appeal to 1,500 “centrist” voters in Michigan, is being realized. How can Democrats STILL not get it? it is as if they are getting paid to not get it.

  2. puck says:

    Props for “The DNC wants to fight this election in the head space of three white guys whose autumn has been ruined because Big Ten football was canceled. “