DL Open Thread: Thursday, August 20, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 20, 2020

Obama Lays It On The Line–Our Democracy Is At Stake.  “Do not let them take away your power,” Obama said. “Don’t let them take away your democracy.”

Pundits’ Punditry.  I’m more interested in your thoughts. I really wonder what the Rethugs’ prospective hate-fest will accomplish. Gotta say, knowing in advance that they were going virtual has worked out well for the D’s.

Trump Gives His Seal Of Approval To QAnon.  The Overton Window now applies pretty much only to the Rethuglican Party.

Trump Administration Gives Political Appointees Power To Disburse Funds.  Because they’re, uh, more qualified?

Rethugs: Trump A ‘Wet Hot Mess’ On Postal Service Issue.  He’s hurting himself..and them politically. Big time.

Gas Industry Wages War Against Climate Action.  A snippet:

The documents show the multibillion-dollar gas industry has built crucial local coalitions and hired high-powered operatives to torpedo cities’ anti-gas policies – sometimes assisted by money those same cities have paid into gas trade associations.

In historically conservative states, the gas industry has convinced legislatures to pass laws prohibiting cities from following in Seattle’s footsteps and trying to ban new gas hookups. In the digital world, it has carefully cultivated the fuel’s image, paying Instagram influencers to cook with gas stoves. In the media, it has sought to be quoted in important stories in news outlets like Reuters, according to internal records. In Washington DC, where the industry has strong support from the Trump administration, it has lobbied the federal government on everything from environmental reviews to appliance standards.

“The gas utilities are facing an existential threat, and instead of approaching a decarbonizing economy as an opportunity to reinvent themselves, they’re digging their heels in and going back to the age-old tactics of [the fossil fuel industry],” said Charlie Spatz, a researcher at the Climate Investigations Center. “These public records show just a fraction of a much larger effort to slow down critical climate solutions.”

Delaware Rethugs Sue To End Vote-By-Mail.  Uh, why?  They’re gonna lose pretty much every race outside of Lower Slower anyway. Hey, it’s their money, such as it is.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Trump Gives His Seal Of Approval To QAnon.”

    Just when you think there is no way Trump can get worse. He really should lose with 4 electoral votes. But republicans are so dug in, so committed to racism and nonsense that somehow it will still be close.

    • For diverting millions to himself from the Build The Wall Foundation.

      A shaky foundation if there ever was one. One criminal who not even Trump might choose to pardon.

      • Andrew C says:

        Curt Schilling, notably a member of the group’s board. All-time shithead.

      • Headball says:

        Hopefully the trial is next year, Trump is out of office and then there will be no pardon. Then NY state can send Trump to jail with him and they could share a cell. Poetic justice and wishful thinking. But a pleasant thought nonetheless

  2. nathan arizona says:

    Great pitcher, though. Put Schilling in the Baseball Hall of Fame and the Shithead Hall of Fame.