DL Open Thread: Friday, August 28, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 28, 2020

Pundits Ponder Day 4.  I didn’t/couldn’t watch a single minute of it. Consensus was that Trump’s speech was boring.  What’s your take?

Yeah, We’re In A Civil War, All Right.  Charlottesville, meet Kenosha. The cops and white militia groups are allies in this war.

How Trump’s Company Charged Taxpayers $900K. Trump basically made the Secret Service ‘captive customers’.  Trump threatens the reporter of the story with release of a ‘very large dossier’ on him:

“The Washington Post is blatantly interfering with the business relationships of the Trump Organization, and it must stop,” Deere wrote in his statement. “Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people.”

Karen Hartley-Nagle Just Can’t Help Herself. This sure seems like an unforced error. Although–maybe she thinks that any publicity is good publicity. Who knows, she might be correct.

Trippi Congo Wants His Council Seat Back. What’s not at issue is that he moved out of the district. Perhaps inspired by absentee elected officials like Dave McBride and Cathy Cloutier, he doesn’t think that this should matter.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Consensus was that Trump’s speech was boring. What’s your take?

    Boring. Dumb. Detached from reality. Strange. Why is he leaning on the lectern like that? How did he ever get elected?

  2. Arthur says:

    police are to murders what the catholic church is to pedofiles.

    and politicians violate all kinds of acts and laws and the only ones who face any consequences are those other politicians want out of the way

  3. GeoBumm says:

    A tone-deaf rally to the energize the converted masses. I don’t see how there are enough undecideds who maven’t made up their mind on this bumbling fool to carry the day this time around. And those woeful fireworks at the end….. are you F’n kidding me? If that isn’t a complete admission that they have nothing, can’t read a room, and have no connection to what potential (undecided) voters are looking for I don’t know what is.

  4. Alby says:

    Karen Hartley-Nagle is as much an empty-headed loon as any Trumper.

  5. Steve Newton says:

    The speech, though boring and full of the usual lies, was very effective at what it intended to do: (a) solidify the base; (b) make low-information voters more afraid of urban protest than a pandemic; and (c) nullify any convention bounce for the Democrats.

    Trump now betting on scared white, female suburbanites (and there are a lot of them), while Biden is betting on the Black and female vote. If the country were not at stake it would be an interesting puzzle to see who is more effective.

    One thing it does prove: white males–conservative or liberal–have just become an accounting figure for both campaigns. The two campaigns can estimate with incredible accuracy how many white guys will vote for them, and they know that is not going to change–that’s why they are both shopping elsewhere.

    • Jason330 says:

      How can “scared white, female suburbanites” look at the events of the last three years and vote for Trump?

      To put it in very basic terms – are they better off than they were 4 years ago? Not counting billionaires…Is anybody?

      • Steven Newton says:

        I didn’t say they were better off. I said that’s who he’s targeting.

        And, to be honest, while generations of Americans have been voting against their economic self interests, it’s not crazy.

        • jason330 says:

          I know. I’m just scratching my head. There is a segment that is really committed to fucking shit up, simply because they think it will be more fucked up for “them” and a little less fucked up for “us”.

          It may have been Marx, but someone noted that in capitalism the very lowest caste is required to allow the other lower castes to feel privileged.

          • Alby says:

            I think it was Alexander Stephens, in his Cornerstone speech.

            “Our new government[‘s] foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”

  6. John Kowalko says:

    Why is the news media and the Democratic Party silent on the obvious fact that the vigilante coddling Sheriff and Chief of Police in Kenosha Wisconsin are embracing this form of homebred Nazism in America? Encouraging these gun-toting lunatics, thanking them for their intimidating presence and offering them refreshments with one hand while teargassing peaceful protesters with the other. Why is the now paralyzed Jacob Blake shackled in his hospital? Why is no one demanding to know if that is true and if so WHY, WHY, Why for Christ-Sakes? Why were those armed “brownshirt wannabees” armed to the teeth allowed in the Michigan Statehouse. Why are these psychopathic intimidators of the American people allowed to roam unchallenged after a curfew has been imposed, showered with praise by the armored-vehicle occupiers cowering in fear in their fortification on wheels. Why are the gun-toting, gun-loving, gun-fondling sociopaths permitted to freely intimidate and threaten honest citizens without the slightest rebuke from “ANY” (D. or R.) political leader anywhere? Silence of the Lambs
    Representative John Kowalko