DL Open Thread: Monday, September 7, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 7, 2020

Trump’s Long History Of Disparaging Military Service.  Hey, not every draft-eligible male had a coterie of ‘diagnosis-by-spec’ doctors available to conjure up imaginary bone spurs. Or someone to take the SAT’s for him so that he could get a college deferment.

How Postmaster DeJoy Laundered Campaign Contributions To Trump.  He had his employees make the contributions, then he ‘reimbursed’ them in the form of bonuses.

Two Armed Missouri ‘Militia’ Members Arrested In Kenosha.  After Kenosha, they were headed to Portland.  Both are barred from carrying guns b/c of multiple offenses, but, hey, there you are.

Disney Covers Up Its Florida Covid Cases, Placing Thousands At Risk Every Day.  Hey, they’re in a state where the inmates run the asylum.

The Lawsuits That Could Decide The 2020 Election. 230, and counting.  A good Q & A primer from Politico.

Workplace ‘Spiritual Consultants’.  Yes, they’re a ‘thing’.  A bad bad thing.  BTW, this Jessa Crispin? She’s a keeper. I’ll be reading her from now on.

14th Senate District: Candidate Responses.  Man, I hope that if Bruce Ennis wins the primary, Kyra Hoffner and Terrell Williams remain involved. Ennis’ answer to everything seems to be “There’s a task force for that.”

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    “Hey, not every draft-eligible male had a coterie of ‘diagnosis-by-spec’ doctors available to conjure up imaginary bone spurs.”

    Maybe not, but the one person who counts(Joe Biden), certainly had his share of deferments as well. I believe it was five deferments.

    • Alby says:

      Since you showed up early today to play dumb, try to wrap your head around this: There are honest deferments and dishonest ones.

      Joe’s dad wasn’t rich, and couldn’t cut a sweetheart deal with a doctor/tenant to lie for him.

      Tell me you’re smart enough to see the difference, because I’m beginning to wonder.

      • RSE says:

        You didn’t have to be ultra rich to dodge the draft. Biden and Trump, who both played high school and college sports, didn’t go to Vietnam because of physical disabilities. Trump had bone spurs, Biden had asthma….Six in one, half dozen the other…I doubt either would bring it up as an issue.

        • Alby says:

          Wrong, as usual. Biden actually had asthma. Trump did not have bone spurs.

          You didn’t have to be ultra-rich to get a doctor to lie for you, but it sure helped.

          What are you trying to prove here, that you’re some kind of clear-eyed contrarian? You’re failing. You come off as a brain-addled stooge.

          • RSE says:

            I’m not trying to prove anything, just trying to keep it real. I don’t hold it against anybody for dodging Vietnam anyway.

            • Alby says:

              I very much hold it against people like Dick Cheney and other chickenhawks.

              I hold it against Donald Trump because he lies and says he loves the military when he very clearly — no matter what he said one morning in France — considers those who join the military to be suckers and saps.

              What you call “keeping it real” is just another term for “pretending to be a clear-eyed contrarian.”

              Bottom line: Trump lied, Biden didn’t. The ironic part is that Biden is a serial exaggerator, and it would be a liability if he were running against anyone except the Prevaricator in Chief.

    • Mick Lowe says:

      Fact is that NOBODY in Trump’s family ever served in uniform….EVER. Quite a statement considering these miscreant, tax cheating, lying criminals have been in this country for generations.

  2. Alby says:

    Just remember, this election will be all about Nancy Pelosi’s visit to a hair salon.

  3. Kathy says:

    I want to talk about Trippi Congo getting his 2nd district seat back. Here is a guy who had been a councilmen first 12 years and he didn’t know that the city charter says that if you moved to another district that you would have to give up your seat. He didn’t pass one piece of legislation and missed more meeting then all of the other council members. Sam Guy said he should still receive his paycheck and benefits until he has his hearing. Well I don’t know of any person that quit there job and still received there salary. Trippi don’t care about the people in our city he only wants the money and benefits. After he threw the people in the 2nd district under the bus because he wanted a safer place for his children to play that like say FU to those people. As a councilmen he should of done more for that district to make he safer. He won’t get my vote.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    I know a guy who was broke but resourceful who drew #34 in the Lottery (certain call up) who beat it with a $25 letter from a friendly practitioner of the healing arts located on Franklin St across from Ursuline. I was Referred by a great man, Ken Horowitz!. I have no regrets!