DL Open Thread: Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 12, 2020

Trump Silent On Wildfire Disasters.  Hey, Cali, Oregon and Washington don’t matter to Trump. Some good news: there’s been a wind shift in Oregon as the rainy season approaches.  BTW, the Dems are no better.  Can’t someone, you know, fly out there?

US Court Of Appeals Rules Felons Must Pay Fines Before They Can Vote.  A Trump-packed court, BTW. In the most Kafkaesque twist, those seeking reinstatement have no idea how much they might owe until the Florida bureaucracy catches up.  Which likely won’t be before the election:

Under state law, the division must screen those registrations to see whether the would-be voters had failed to pay their financial obligations. Only then could they be removed from the voter rolls, the appeals court said.

This is just one of several decisions from conservative-dominated courts that disenfranchise Democratic voters.

Attorney Into Probe Of Origins Into Probe Of Trump’s Russia Ties (convoluted, I know) Resigns. Barr and Trump concocted this probe to try to dig up some dirt before the election. Nora Dannehy wasn’t having it.

US Treasury Department Labels Rudy Pal As An ‘Active Russian Agent’.  This group collaborated to get dirt on Biden.  How bad do you have to be to get labeled a Russian agent by an agency that Trump controls?

Progressive Wave Sweeps Rhode Island.  It’s also cresting in Delaware. If not this year, soon.  This is precisely what’s going on in Delaware.

Disproportionate Number Of Covid Deaths In Polluted Areas.  It’s time to end environmental racism.  Actually it’s more environmental classism.  Marie Pinkney is running on this, Dave McBride is running away from this.

Well, gotta go. Time for my last lit drop for Marie Pinkney.  Might as well break out my money shirt…Moscow Mitch, come on out of that drawer!

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “BTW, the Dems are no better. Can’t someone, you know, fly out there?“

    I agree. In addition to Harris, Biden should have a whole shadow cabinet. Beyond simply replacing trump, we’re going to need an entire Marshall plan for the US to recover.

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