NJ publishes my letter

Filed in National by on July 16, 2007

In this letter I give some props to our Rep. in Congress – that must have figured into the decision to publish it.

Castle seems to be serving in an unreal Washington

I know Michael Castle works in Washington, D.C., but it must be a different Washington, D.C., than the one I am familiar with.

The Washington I keep seeing on the news is a place where George Bush has assumed powers for the presidency beyond the powers spelled out in the Constitution, but Michael Castle never comments on that.

The Washington that I read about in The News Journal is a place where more and more Republicans are coming to the conclusion that we need to move away from our failed “stay the course” policy in Iraq, but Mike Castle seems deaf to his constituents calls to reconsider support for the president.

Mike Castle’s Washington seems to be a place where he goes once in a while to collect big checks for Delaware.

Castle’s Washington seems like a great place to be. I happen to appreciate the fact that he can snag $5.7 million for a conservation project here, $2.2 million for Delaware State University there.

I just wish we had a Congressman in the other Washington — the Washington that Michael Castle avoids at all costs.

Jason Scott, Middletown

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    well done, it’s a shame they cut out the cursing you did in that other paragraph 🙂