Song of the Day 9/15: Brandi Carlile, “Madman Across the Water”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 15, 2020

After Elton John released the LP named for this song in 1971, many Americans took to the theory that the title referenced Richard Nixon, a notion that bemused lyricist Bernie Taupin. “Back in the seventies, when people were saying that ‘Madman Across the Water’ was about Richard Nixon, I thought, That is genius. I could never have thought of that.”

So I suppose Brandi Carlile couldn’t have been thinking about Boris Johnson when she covered the tune at WXPN’s NON-COMMvention in 2018. Whatever the song is about, it takes some serious pipes to sing it, and Carlile’s performance might outrank Sir Elton at his peak.

The problem with the Nixon theory is that people didn’t realize Nixon was cracking up until after the LP was released — and it wasn’t a new song when it was released. John and Taupin originally intended it for the “Tumbleweed Connection” album, even recording it with Mick Ronson on guitar. This version was eventually released on expanded re-issues of that LP.

The song was re-recorded for its original release with Davey Johnstone on guitar, but it’s most notable for producer Gus Dudgeon’s forward placement of Paul Buckmaster’s string arrangement.

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  1. That is a GREAT cover. Brandi Carlile is Da Bomb.

  2. Rusty Dils says:

    I am a big, big, big Elton John fan. Been to his concerts 4 times. In high school I played him in my car so much my friends used to throw my Elton John 8 tracks out the window. Very interesting story. I never heard about the Nixon theory.