Creative Whitehouse Cropping

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 3, 2007



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  1. Chris says:

    Interesting. But the picture still clearly shows it. So much for the conspiracy. Now lets talk about the media expunging the story in January 2004 of terrorists with WMDs sneaking across the border from Syria to Jordan. Huge news on all the sites “BUSH INVADED WRONG COUNTRY!” Next day, story missing from all news sites..except Washington Times and London Times. Why? Terrorists admitted to getting the WMD’s and training on their use in Bagdhad. That is a much bigger cover-up then sloppy video editing at the White House. But have it your way…..

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Well, do you at least find it suspicious that they would edit the video in this way? Or is that normal history adjustments?

    I’ll have to look into your claim of WMD’s, but it could be that the story didn’t pan out. There were a large number of stories that have come out about finding the definitive proof that turned out to be vaporware once someone asked a question about the find.

    I suspect that it is part of a campaign of FUD that the admin wants people to believe. There has been no substantiated evidence that these weapons existed beyond what Saddam claimed with the weapons inspectors.

    Keep trying, though. One of these times, you’re sure to strike gold.