DL Open Thread: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 7, 2020

Will The Last Infected Remaining WH Staffer Please Have The Doctor Turn Off The Lights?  Stephen Miller, the Joint Chiefs?  I’m coming around to the notion that G-d and I share the same sense of humor.

Biden At His Best.  That Gettysburg Address may have been the best of his career. Never mentioned Trump.  What a contrast.

Trump Dumps Stimulus Talks.  I’d say it was the drugs, except it’s just more bizarre behavior from someone who’s been insane from the start.  Oh, wait, he’s flipped again.

Top Trump Justice Officials Forced Separation Of Children From Their Families.  In case you had forgotten the most inhumane policy of the Trump Administration.  Biden has to change this on Day One.

President Infects Minnesota.  Hope the folks at Murray’s Restaurant got paid in advance.

Texas’ Blatant Voter Suppression Tactics.  Jim Crow is not dead. Florida has succeeded in disenfranchising tens of thousands of former felons.

Coney Barrett’s Bizarre Religious Sect.  The D’s have once again unilaterally disarmed. They’ve said her religion is out-of-bounds.  But when this extreme sect informs her judicial opinions, it should be fair game.  Especially when the sect promotes a male hierarchy and the subjugation of women.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday:


    Don’t think I ever ate there. I have no idea what the name had to do with the product, which is not usually a good sign.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    Breaking News! Stephen Miller was rushed to the hospital as a precautionary measure when it looked like his condition was worsening. All were relieved when it became apparent that he was only shedding his skin.
    Rep. Kowalko

  3. RSE says:

    I’m guessing that some of the businesses in Rehoboth must be recouping some of the money they lost. It’s a Wednesday in October and people are still renting umbrellas on the beach.
