The Worst Press Narratives of the Last 30 Years

Filed in National by on October 10, 2020

While I think it is dawning on Americans that Republicans, as a whole, are full of shit, grifters and bad people – the press continues to promote some hoary threadbare myths.

Republicans represent “real Americans”.
Republicans promote family values.
Republicans are “good for the economy”.
Republicans promote law and order.
Republicans are strong on defense.

It is all nonsense. It isn’t just Trump. I get why some dumb Fox News zombie can go around thinking this complete bullshit, but I don’t see how “the media” can still go around dishing this shit out.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jasin330 says:

    Just remembered another: Republicans are a sober, reasonable check on the extremist impulses of Democrats

  2. John Kowalko says:

    “I get why some dumb Fox News zombie can go around thinking this complete bullshit, but I don’t see how “the media” can still go around dishing this shit out”.
    Can you explain why the only statewide accessible radio station (WDEL) employs Rick Jensen and his babbling producer Randy to “dish this shit out” every moment they’re on the air. They regurgitate Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh and Ingraham venom every day and every minute. Notwithstanding “free speech” rights there should be a modicum of responsibility exhibited by station ownership and management and WDEL owes that to Delaware at the very least.

    Representative John Kowalko