In Her Own Words: Cathy Cloutier Reveals Herself As A Liar And An NRA Shill

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2020

Because she comes across as a ‘nice lady’, Cathy Cloutier’s penchant for lying has often been overlooked.  She has now hung herself with her own words.  To (half-) wit:

I’m not the reason the Democrats in the majority did not pass a ban on assault weapons.

*I never blocked the Assault Weapons bills.

*Democrats stopped the bills. Sen. Bruce Ennis in 2018 and David McBride in 2019.

*I will support debate on this issue. We need to consider banning some assault weapons and yet still allow women to protect themselves in their home.

*My opponent is misrepresenting the truth.  She’s bringing fear and distortion to our neighborhoods…

You deserve a Senator who will not mislead or misrepresent the truth.

Like most lies, there are kernels of truth in Cathy’s assertions.  For example:

I’m not the reason the Democrats in the majority did not pass a ban on assault weapons.

Partially true. She’s not the reason, merely a reason.  If she were replaced by someone who supports a ban on assault weapons, the bill would have a better chance of passing. (Captain Obvious.)

I never blocked the Assault Weapons bills.

She merely voted to block the Assault Weapons bill in the Senate Executive Committee.  (An aside, Cathy Cloutier is avoiding the word ‘Republican’ at all costs in her campaign this year, claims she is an independent voice.  When she voted to block the Assault Weapons bill in committee, was she doing so as an ‘independent voice’, or as the Senate Republican Whip, a position where she represents all the troglodytes in the Senate Republican Caucus? A position that said Republican troglodytes chose her for.   Her ‘independent voice’ claim is yet another provable lie.)

*Democrats stopped the bills. Sen. Bruce Ennis in 2018 and David McBride in 2019.

Democrats and Republicans stopped the bills. Specifically, in 2019, Senators McBride, Poore, Hocker and Cloutier voted to kill the bills. Senators McDowell and Townsend voted to debate the bills on the floor.  Supporters of common sense gun control helped to defeat Senator McBride and sought to defeat Sen. Ennis as a result.  They’re now challenging Cloutier.

*I will support debate on this issue. We need to consider banning some assault weapons and yet still allow women to protect themselves in their home.

This is where she contradicts herself and reveals herself as an NRA shill.

Her vote to kill the assault weapons ban was by definition a vote to oppose ‘debate on this issue’, not to, what’s the word she used, support debate on this issue.  She’s trying to be on both sides of an issue again, much like her positions on abortion rights.  Not only doesn’t she support debating the bills she helped to bury, she reveals herself as an NRA shill:

We need to consider banning some assault weapons and yet still allow women to protect themselves in their home.

This is right out of the NRA playbook.  We can’t ban ALL assault weapons b/c the wimmenfolk need them for protection.  Assault weapons.   That is the NRA position and is now the stated position of Cathy Cloutier.  Women need ‘some’ assault weapons to protect themselves.  The pink ones?  If you share that belief, and if the incessant lying doesn’t bother you, Cathy is your candidate.  That’s just one reason why Moms Demand Action has endorsed Kyle Evans Gay, not Cathy Cloutier.

You deserve a Senator who will not mislead or misrepresent the truth.

  Agreed. Cathy has been misleading and misrepresenting the truth since she’s been in office.  Time for a change.

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  1. ScarletWoman says:

    Whoa. What a total and complete weasel she is.

  2. The D in Delaware says:

    Excellent post!

  3. RSE says:

    Yeah, let’s get rid of ALL the Republicans because Delaware is really starting to prosper under its current status of overwhelming Democrat control.

  4. C says:

    Is this from a mailer?

    • Here ya go. It’s ostensibly from a ‘COVID-19’ Update from Cathy to the people, but it’s really her defense of a really bad record on gun control:

      Update on COVID-19 in Brandywine Hundred
      (5th Senate District)

      Saturday October 10, 2020


      “In the middle of a difficult economic recovery during the COVID-19 epidemic and with our schools still partially closed, my opponent is desperate to make this election about banning assault weapons.”

      I’m not the reason the Democrats in the majority did not pass a ban on assault weapons.

      I never blocked the Assault Weapons bills.
      Democrats stopped the bills: Sen. Bruce Ennis in 2018 and Sen. David McBride in 2019.
      I will support debate on this issue. We need to consider banning some assault weapons and yet still allow women to protect themselves in their home.
      My opponent is misrepresenting the truth. She’s bringing fear and distortion to our neighborhoods.

      Read more about the truth and my support of common sense reform.

      You deserve a Senator who will not mislead or misrepresent the truth.

      You deserve a Senator who is focused on various issues that impact Brandywine Hundred – not just divisive issues.

  5. Kids, let’s look a little closer at the liar who is Cathy Cloutier. Here’s one of the tricks that a liar, not unlike Cloutier, uses, to try to shift the blame onto her opponent.

    In her latest snivel, she claims that she did NOT bury the assault weapons bill in committee, Dave McBride did. She implies that she has been accused, out of ‘desperation’, of burying the bill in committee. Let’s expose the trick:


    She has been accused of VOTING TO BURY THE BILL in committee along with McBride, Nicole Poore and Gerald Hocker. Indeed, it is a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD that she voted to bury the bill in committee. It is also a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD, aka her own words, that she opposes any legislation that would prohibit housewives from having AK-47’s lying around their kitchens.

    This is not even about the issue of gun control, although Cloutier, on her own website, touts her support for, and I quote:

    “Practical gun control laws that make us all safer”. Presumably, said practical statutes must permit military assault weapons in the hands of housewives.

    I’ve written a series of articles on Cloutier, and I may well write more. The common thread is that she lies about virtually everything of importance. Her abandonment of the LGBTQ community, her position on abortion rights, her position on gun control, that she’s not ‘really a Republican’, and more to be revealed.

    It is an embarrassment that she holds political office despite, even after 20-plus years, betraying not even the slightest understanding of any issue that affects us. (Go back and listen to the League of Women Voters panel if you doubt me. Her position on a living wage was ‘maybe we ought to take a poll of businesses’. This after 20 years.)

    That and, oh, the fact that she even lies about where she lives is more than enough reason to kick her sorry ass out of office.