DL Open Thread: Monday, October 12, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 12, 2020

Trump Has Yet Another Stimulus Proposal.  Inoperative in, say, 20 minutes.  Of all his botches, his U-turns on a stimulus package are near the top of the list.

‘We Now Affectionately Call Her Judge Dogma’. Amy Coney Barrett sets off all the dogma whistles.  Member of a bizarre cult about to be elevated to the Supreme Court.  Here’s more info on just how extremist (and untruthful) she is.  Not enough?  Here’s more.

Four Years Of Trump Egging On White Supremacists.  He has been their cheerleader.

Alaska’s Rethug Senator Caught Cozying Up To Large-Scale Mining Firm.  Their project would endanger a salmon-breeding area. Where there’s a blue tsunami…

…There’s Also A Green Tsunami.  Act Blue is the go-to choice for small donations to D’s.  Rethugs are getting swamped:

Josh Holmes, a top McConnell adviser, said every news development activates Democrats’ donor base and “their default is to give $5 every time something angers them.”

But “when your average Republican is watching Hannity and something upsets them, their response is to write something on Facebook,” Holmes added.

What do you want to talk about?

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    • ben says:

      T.R, while a great model of economic justice, was a pretty virulent racist. He slaughtered Native Americans and Latino people alike during America’s first age of imperialism.
      Screw Lincoln. He didnt have the guts to let Billy Sherm Sherm finish the job. He also aided in thsi country’s genocide against the Native peoples. Just because he beat Lil Jeffy Davis doesnt mean he was a good person.

      And of course, screw Columbus. He never set foot on this land. he accidentally ran ashore in this already populated and civilized hemisphere. All he did was bring the scourge of Christianity and dirty European sickness to this once pristine land.

  1. Jason330 says:

    Happy Indigenous Persons day! I’m Sending $5.00 to AOC in RSE’s name to celebrate.

  2. The only people who even give a shit about Columbus Day are some Italian-Americans. Here’s a suggestion for them:


  3. RSE says:

    There is no way that the Americas weren’t going to be settled by outside forces. If you think the indigenous people of this continent would still be living a pre-Columbian existence, you probably need to think about it some more.

    If Western Civilization didn’t move in, the East would have, and the consequences for the land and people would likely be worse.

  4. Harold says:

    https://delawarestatenews.net/government/polarized-politics-gop-dips-as-democrats-take-state-control/ I found this interesting. Chadderdon offers a pretty succinct summary I think, lol

    • Kennedy says:

      One of the biggest problems with the DE GOP is that it ignores the science (not a surprise) of effective campaigning. For the past 16 years that I’ve been following DE politics, I’m always amazed at how bad their campaign strategies and tactics are. Also, the party claims it loses because of a failure to communicate its message to the voters but they don’t acknowledge the possibility that the voters did hear the message and they rejected it. I would compare the DE GOP to a really shitty car company that thinks it can turn the company around with a superficial rebranding rather than investing in making a quality product.

      • jason330 says:

        Great point. It is odd, isn’t it? The typical Dem lesson from any election loss is “we were not bland enough” while the typical Republican takeaway from any loss is “we were not zealous enough”.

        The GOP message of “ever increasing rightwing zealotry” only works for a small number of voters.

        There are clusters of these voters in enough pockets of the state that it appears to work and therefor reinforces the “what we need is ever increasing rightwing zealotry” type thinking.

        It is also playing out on a national level with some states having become entirely dogmatic.

        • Harold says:

          It’s almost like they really believe most people are faaaar-right and the losses are because the candidates aren’t “pure” enough! Imagine that.

  5. RSE says:

    Anybody see this yet? A good example of the unaccountability that happens in a one party state….Seems pretty outrageous.


    • Jason330 says:

      And whose fault is it that Delaware is a one party state?

      Let’s pretend for a second that this “land scam” is something. Carney still beats…who? Julianne Murray? by 25 points.

      • RSE says:

        The state buys some land for $2.8 million and sells it for $270,000 thousand (on New Year’s Eve?) to someone with familial connections to the legislature and the governor, and that person then flips the land less than two years later for $6.5 million…All seems on the up and up to me.

        • Alby says:

          This all happened in 2008, and the case was covered at the time, IIRC.


          • Rethugs have turned it into a commercial. Featuring, among others, that John Paradee.

            BTW, the commercial is ineffective. The narrator is talking so fast that you just lose attention in what she’s saying.

          • Alby says:

            Now that an actual news organization (DSN) has covered it, I see that this land isn’t the same as the sports complex, but it’s related to it.

            Undercutting Mr. Chick’s assertions, the land wasn’t worth much more than the sale price, according to two assessments. If something is fishy here, it’s the initial purchase price.

            Further, the $6.5 million is the asking price for the listed property, not a sum that has actually been paid. It has not been flipped.

            Trying to link this to Carney, who wasn’t the governor at the time, is the part that’s pathetic.

            What has been true for the nearly 50 years I’ve lived in Delaware is that DelDOT has been a nest of land thieves. Years ago the fishiness involved the routing of Del. 1. Now it’s about access to Del. 1.

            I know of no governor who has ever been able to put a stop to these practices, because ripping off the state government is the only way of life known in Kent and Sussex counties.

          • RSE says:

            It didn’t all happen in 2008 , the sale took place on the last day of 2018, and it’s again for sale now for $6.5 mil. I’m sort of wondering about the original purchase for $2.8 mil.. Someone lucked out on that deal.

          • Alby says:

            Yeah, the thing Sam Chick put together was confusing, at least to me. Somebody should look up who sold it to DelDOT for that inflated price.

          • RSE says:

            The bottom line for me is the fact that someone can make an investment, and expect over a 2000% gain on that investment in less than two years. The regular guy on the street doesn’t get to see those kinds of earnings percentages….It’s always good to know people I guess.

          • Alby says:

            They can ask for $6.5 million. They can ask for the moon. I have a hard time believing a sucker that big is anywhere to be found.

            It not only pays to know people, it pays to pay them. Upstate developers used to bribe people in NCCo’s land use office to tell them where new sewer lines were being planned so they could buy up farms along the route before the public knew anything about it.

            Developers are predators, pure and simple, and tax codes generally coddle them because it’s a supposedly risky business.

          • meatball says:

            Looks like the guy that sold both properties to the state was one Rodney Mitchell, Jr who died in 2017. His obit says he had ties to the DE horse racing industry.

          • Alby says:

            His obit also says, “Rodney, in his later years, was a successful land developer and stable owner.”

  6. nathan arizona says:

    Ben says, “screw Lincoln,” who was not a “great person.” If he had a sense of humor I might suspect him of satire. Lincoln had flaws, so he doesn’t pass Ben’s purity test for what a president should be. No person could, and unicorns can’t vote. This is why Ben will never draw many people to his political philosophy. He hurts the cause of liberals (opponents of the right wing and whatever Trump is) and rational progressives. He will always remain a voice whining in the wilderness. But he does get to show off his delicate sensitivity, consequences be damned.

    • ben says:

      lol. glad that’s what you took from that.
      Knee-jerk hand wringing of an anonymous comment. you spend so much time policing those to the left of you while worrying about how it might alienate Maga-america. Screw Lincoln. He did one thing right… almost. He never accepted that the South were traitors. He gets credit for all the fight and work of untold thousands of others. Guess what. George Washington was a slaver who committed bio-warfare and genocide. Thomas Jefferson was a rapist.
      What are you gonna do about it? go vote trump to spite me? give me a fuckin break.
      I dont speak for liberals, I speak for myself. As do you.. where in a conversation about how America idolizes some pretty rotten humans, you decided to play referee rather than pick a side.

      • Jason330 says:

        FTR, I like Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson. Woodrow Wilson can go fuck himself.

        • ben says:

          the thing is, I “nothing” all of them at best. Our conception of what those guys were comes from meticulously manicured narratives to make them look good and noble. Rank nationalism is a hell of a drug and for some reason we need them to be icons. I think very few heads of state throughout history deserve the pedestals we have placed them on. The human experience should be about recognizing and fixing past mistakes…. not glossing over them because we’re addicted to hero worship.

          I think they should be lessons, but im just a loony conspiracy theorist. And yeah, Wilson can get fucked.

  7. nathan arizona says:

    Ben, I don’t worry about alienating “Maga-america.” They will always feel alienated from me as I will from them. I worry about alienating sensible people.

    Questioning the wisdom of your political purity equals “rank nationalism?” Ridiculous.

  8. Headball says:

    Here’s a laugh. Don’t have a times subscription so couldn’t post the source document.
