DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 1, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 1, 2020

The Consequences Of Trump’s Serial Dishonesty.  Distrust in government could be long-lasting.

How Many People Have The Trump Rallies Killed And Infected?  According to a Stanford study, at least 30,000 infections and 700 deaths.  That’s only through September 12.  Natural selection, anybody?

Rethugs Could Invalidate 120,000 Votes In Texas.  After the fact, no less.  A Rethug judge is considering the case.  Trump Thugs Ambush Biden/Harris Bus In Texas.  Trump tweets his support. NC Deputies Pepper-Spray Peaceful Demonstrators.  Sheriffs are criminals.  Not to mention, the extent to which Rethugs are suppressing the vote is unprecedented, at least since the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

How Serial Fetishist Jerry Falwell Jr. Held On To Liberty U.  He employed every Trumpian tactic imaginable.  Read it–you’ll thank me.

Trump Jr. In 2024Someone has to carry the Trump mantle.  Of course, demographics are not his/their friend.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Trump Thugs Ambush Biden/Harris Bus In Texas.”

    MAGAts are conditioned to try shit like this because decent people tend to rely on civil authorities to deal with lawbreakers. But civil authorities have a color-coded guide to what rises to the level of lawbreaking.