DL Open Thread: Monday, November 2, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 2, 2020

How Trump Plans To Declare ‘Victory’ On Election Night.  What, you didn’t think he’d plan for that?

Relax. Canada’s AI Bot ‘Polly’ Predicts…

How Trump Plans To Declare That Election Was ‘Stolen’.  Somehow, votes counted after midnight aren’t real votes.  But they are, and they favor D’s.

Trump MAGAts Snarl Traffic.  Betcha THEY didn’t get pepper-sprayed.  Like, say, the peaceful marchers in North Carolina.

Feds To Wall Off White House From Public.  I can’t imagine more apt symbolism.

Trump Tries To Outrace Covid On Campaign Trail. Fails.  Sometimes, the most obvious factor becomes the only factor.

How Trump ‘Supercharged’ Russia’s Disinformation Playbook.  A must-read.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    Re: White House walled off: Citizens peaceably assembling for redress should visit softer targets like the Trump hotel. The Supreme Court may end up being the most appropriate destination anyway.

  2. RSE says:

    Fly chickens fly…lol. Way to go , Joe. At least they are both birds, right?

    • RSE says:

      Why would the Joe Biden campaign send Sleepy Joe to Philadelphia with a Blue Hens jacket anyway? I mean, somebody must have known.
      Maybe it was like The Emperor’s New Clothes scenario or something where people were just afraid to tell him? The secret service guys must have known at any rate… Probably got a good laugh out of it.