DL Open Thread: Friday, November 6, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 6, 2020

Kushner Company Moves To Evict Low-Income Residents.  What, you thought he’d see the light?

Trump Thugs Plot To Attack Ballot Counting Center In PhillyAlso in Detroit and elsewhere. Taking their marching orders from the President.

Why Cunningham Lost North Carolina.  He basically went into hiding after the ‘sexting’ scandal surfaced.

The Battle For The Senate Turns To Georgia.  I think the pundits are underestimating D chances here. Trumpism without Trump doesn’t galvanize the voters.  Check out the 2018 election results for precedent.

Progressive Initiatives Pass In Conservative States. Progressive policies are popular.

Centrist D’s Blast Progressives.  The word ‘socialist’ should never be used again, according to centrist drones.  Right. Nothing galvanizes the voters more than centrist drones.

How Delaware’s Progressive Legislators May Work With John Carney.  Tell me again, why is Carney so unalterably opposed to legalizing pot?  Is it just the cops pissing in his ear, or is it something ingrained in him from his early days?  I honestly don’t know.  Speaking of the cops, it’s time for the General Assembly to put an end to the cops’ practice of just stealing stuff from people who have been pulled over.  THIS is why cops don’t want pot legalized–they will have lost a pretext to just steal stuff.

What do you want to talk about?





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  1. Ben says:

    Pelosi very nearly fumbled house controll. She is not to be trusted with holding a majority any longer. Ms Abrams for speaker. No one over 70 allowed in leadership.

  2. Biden just moved ahead in Pa.


    No, don’t.

  3. puck says:

    The origin of Carney’s attitude toward pot is simple to understand. He was a high school and college jock; his mortal enemies were the stoners.

  4. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    I once heard, and it is just a rumor so do not base this on fact, that either one of Carney’s parents or Tracy’s parents died of lung cancer. So he is therefore opposed to anything involving smoking. Therefore no weed legislation will pass until at least 2028. Anyone else heard this?

    • It’s not as if smoking weed is the only way of ingesting it. With Carney’s support, Delaware could become the ‘enhanced chocolate’ capital of the US. There are a couple of great dark chocolate producers right up here in Arden:


      I have really cool dreams after ingesting just the pure dark chocolate. Can you imagine how enhanced they would be with a little something extra added?

  5. bamboozer says:

    Don’t know about Carney, but I’m amazed that the inherent greed of the politicians has not taken over, and now that legalization is taking place in New Jersey the idiots are waiting for the revenue train to leave the station. And speaking of “Stop the counting!” who’s behind these idiots?

  6. Alby says:

    “Centrist D’s blast progressives” = “Dems in disarray”