Chickeshit Coons on Morning Joe Just Now – “I’ve had a number of private conversation with Senators”

Filed in National by on December 8, 2020

Coons’ highest loyalty is to bipartisanship.

“I’ve had a number of private conversation with Senators who want me to convey thier congratulations to the President Elect but are not yet willing to say so publicly. Its my job to keep working with them. But I will tell you that it is a striking moment were in that President Trump still has the Republicans by the neck and is insisting that they ignore reality…

Prior to this he also said that Mcconnell is receptive to compromise on a stimulus but does want to give relief to any state governments and stimulus must protect any and all business from CV-19 liability.

How is that compromise? Only a true bipartisan like Coons can see it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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