DL Open Thread: Monday, December 14, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 14, 2020

Russians Have Been Hacking Away At Treasury And Commerce.  Trump to sanction Putin–never.  BTW, did’ja see that Putin has two identical offices so that he can vacation while not seeming to vacation.

Rethugs Withholding $$’s For Wisconsin Recount.  They learned from their master at the art of walking away from paying their bills.

Senate Rules Of Recognition: Can Veep Harris Bypass Mitch McConnell?  If the answer is yes, the question becomes: Will VP Harris bypass McConnell?

Trump Beats Hasty Retreat From Having His People Move To The Front Of The Line For Vaccine.  A bad look, even for him.

‘Christian’ Financier Throws Huge Super-Spreader Christmas Party.  Franklin, Tennessee.  Vendors were urged to not wear masks so that they’d be like all the guests–idiots.  Speaking of super-spreader events…

Banks Immune From Sanctions Under Trump:

Since 2017, when President Donald Trump took office, the OCC has found at least six banks wrongly charged overdrafts and related fees, but in each case, the agency quietly rebuked the bank rather than pushing for fines and public penalties, the investigation by ProPublica and The Capitol Forum shows.

In several instances, front-line examiners who wanted the bank to be fined were overruled by OCC officials. The previously unreported cases show how the OCC under Trump quietly held back from punishing banks for abuses, while the administration sought more broadly to loosen banking rules and other consumer financial protections.

Gee, I wonder if he’s worked out a quid pro quo to have them start lending him money again…

Pro-Trump Vandals Attack Black Churches In DC. Cops Do Nothing.  Shooting unarmed Blacks is OK, going after armed whites apparently is not.

Liberty University Violates Its Non-Profit Status, Doesn’t Care.  Turned a ‘think-tank’ into a Trump election machine.

Karen Hartley-Nagle Looking For One Good Sycophant.  Will Council let her hire one?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Today is the day the electoral college votes, much as I’d like to see it abolished will be paying attention as this is step two in the process of flushing Trump. In our antiquated electoral system we have to wait until they count the votes. It’s all geared towards the horse and buggy days. Black churches are routinely burnt and vandalized in the south, and nothing has changed.

  2. jason330 says:

    On this motion, I vote – FUCK YEAH!

    This (Senate Majority Leaders power) is based on his ability to make motions to proceed to legislation and nominations and to fill the so-called amendment tree (i.e. offer the maximum allowable number of amendments to legislation to block senators from offering their own amendments). Both are based on his ability to be recognized first by the Senate’s Presiding Officer { soon to be Vice President Harris}. But the leader’s preferential recognition and, by extension, his ability to make motions to proceed to bills and nominees and his ability to fill the amendment tree, are grounded only in precedent.

  3. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Apropos of nothing, this is brilliant…


  4. It’s official. Biden is President-Elect now that California’s electors have given Cali’s 55 electoral votes to Biden.