Pssst…Coons’ Has Formed Super Secret BiPartisan Caucus in Senate – But Can’t Name Names (because it only exists in his dreams)

Filed in National by on December 14, 2020

Trudy Rubin puts on her full Celia Cohen gear and goes to bat for the Vampire fantasy of Senate Bipartisanship. Coons plays his part and names Pat Toomey [not running for office in 2022] as someone he can work with.

As for the rest of coons’ fantasy bipartisan caucus who are “putting pressure on (GOP) leadership” … (Crickets chirping in the distance.)

Coons doesn’t name them because they don’t exist.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Coons is a fool, and probably deliberately so. “Reaching across the aisle” is not considered a virtue in red states, and Coons knows this. Voting with Democrats on legislation of any significance is the kiss of death for red state Senators. The GOP partners Coons seeks would only be shot down as weak-ass cucks in their home states. What Republicans fear most is a primary challenge from the right. And there is always someone willing to be more of a RWNJ.

  2. bamboozer says:

    As noted Coons lives in a dream world where the Republicans are reachable and rational, sadly so does Biden. It will not happen in my lifetime, doubt he cares, it’s as we say in the band bizz A Schtick and nothing more.

  3. jason330 says:

    Coons’ delusion is as damaging to the country as Trump’s delusion that he “won” the election.

    If 2020 teaches us anything it is that we REALLY need to live in reality. Coons is either a fucking moron or a cynical, self-serving liar. And I don’t think he is a moron.

  4. jason330 says:

    Trudy Rubin link fixed.