Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus Not Looking So Good

Filed in National by on December 18, 2020

Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Senate Caucus that is going to “work together” to “get things done for the American people” is off to a rough start.

Pat Toomey, the one known member of the Super Secret Bipartisan Senate Caucus who Coons said he is eager to work with, is trying to fuckup the stimulus and hamstring Joe Biden.

It is almost as if the Super Secret Bipartisan Senate Caucus only exists in Coons’ imagination.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I suppose it is noteworthy that Coons got through an entire MSNBC segment without extolling the benefits of bipartisanship, or promising that bipartisanship is about to ride to the rescue.

  2. jason330 says:

    Coons on MSNBC right now. “I’m angry”. – Mitch McConnell is not a nice guy.

    On why the Senate is sucks: , Dems control the house, Republicans control senate and will not compromise. 2 Dozen GOP senates think there should be zero stimulus.

    Coons on timeline: I think a Bill will pass on Tuesday – Senate should be kept in DC until the pittance stimulus passes. With pittance checks going out in Jan.