Wanna hate centrist Dems more than you already do?

Filed in National by on December 19, 2020

Do you think you couldn’t be any more disgusted by centrist Dems than you already are?

Just read the whole thing.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    There’s only room for one pro-corporate party, and the mainstream Democrats are aiming to be it.

    They are just as cowardly and craven as Republicans. The only difference is that most Democrats aren’t evil.

    So those are your choices: An evil party that screws you, or a not-so-evil party that screws you. Ain’t American democracy grand?

    • jason330 says:

      It is not a formula for energizing the next generation of voters – or for getting much done, bit I guess that’s the point.

      • All Seeing says:

        Thanks for informing us about what going down behind the curtain. A reflection of DE DEMs wouldn’t you say? Corporate to the core. Notice you hear nothing about public campaign financing? Weed could be a major source for that out of the gate. Carney is as satus que as it gets but to me his is conservate as corporate Carper only sneaky. Our Attorney General sued the oil companies and the complaint is a great read and that is all folks for 2020.

  2. puck says:

    With Biden pulling Dems out of Congress for the White House, the four-woman Squad will have more power than the centrists can imagine.