Hey Liberal MF’ers! Join your MFing RD committee – Part II

Filed in National by on December 22, 2020

Do you want a more Liberal Democratic Party? Of course you fucking do.

So read Mitch Crane below & join your RD Committee! That’s where the shit goes down.

Mitch Crane says:
December 22, 2020 at 9:49 am
The RD committees are required to reorganize in 2021 (the year following a presidential election). These caucuses are held between January and March and are publicized. Anyone who is a registered Democrat may attend the caucus held for the RD they are registered in and vote for and/or run for a committee person position. In New Castle and Kent Counties there are two committee members per ED (election district). In Sussex there are 3. After the RD caucus, each RD committee will elect officers for that RD. The committee persons elected at the RD caucuses will gather in early Spring to elect officers of the county committees, and delegates elected by the RD committees will gather in convention in late Spring to elect state party officers.

The Rules of the state and county committees can be found at Deldems.org “Our Party”.

Many RD committees do not meet regularly this time of year. Anyone interested in joining an RD committee is better off waiting until the caucuses- where all positions are open.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. capesdelaware says:

    Agree with you Mitch .Got elected to Central Committee of Cecil county in October. Love it and moving forward .

  2. Mitch Crane says:

    Thank you for re-posting my comment Jason. I recommend every interested person go to deldems.org and review the state party rules on the quadrennial reorganization. Then go to your county or City of Wilmington party rules to review them on the same subject. The state party should be posting on its calendar the reorganization caucuses when they are scheduled.

  3. TheMoMo says:

    This is so good to know. When I reached out to my RD (9) and didn’t hear anything at all I was pretty disappointed.

  4. Sounds good, but what power do the district committees really have? Do they help pick candidates or anything like that?

    • Jason330 says:

      It is a good question. They don’t pick candidates. Anyone who qualifies can enter to run in any race. But my sense is that being involved with the committee makes that a little easier.

      The real power appears to be in the RD committee’s votes for offices up the line within the party. As Mitch pointed out: each RD committee will elect officers for that RD. They, in turn elect officers of the county committees who in turn gather in convention in late Spring to elect state party officers.

      Unless you want a party chock full of unaccountable insiders, the thing to do is get to work in your RD.

      Maybe Mitch can check me on this.