Help Wanted – Must Be Glutton for Punishment

Filed in National by on December 23, 2020

DL Community,

Our daily open threads reach an average of 1,300 Delaware News junkies, political insiders, political outsiders, decision makers and decision avoiders per day.  We are looking for a dedicated fellow news junkie who can take over the OpenThread duties and bring your unique curatorial vision and wordsmanship (wordspersonship) to the daily open thread.

El Sonambulo has done an amazing job keeping us all informed, but is moving on to longform reporting in 2021 as he awaits his blanket pardon for any crimes he may have committed or might still commit as a member of the Trump inner circle.

If you are an avid local, state, national and international news hound with some meager tech skills who likes Dickensian working conditions and low pay ($0.00) why not consider it?

Hit me up at if you’d like to chat.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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