DL Open Thread: Saturday, January 2, 2021

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 2, 2021

Trump Calls Georgia Senate Races ‘Illegal And Invalid’.  Maybe he’s been looking at the campaign polling. The Rethuglican circular firing squad, it’s a beautiful thing.

Happy New Year, Mike Pence.  RWNJ’s want him in prison. He’s gonna have to declare Biden the President-Elect, and his plan to skip town right after said declaration has been kiboshed.

What You Missed Out On By Not Attending The Annual Mar-A-Lago NYE Bash.  Might’ve been worth the $1000 just to punch Mike Love in the face.  These people are without irony. Thankfully, we aren’t.

Biden’s Cabinet: WWII Bomber Crew Redux?  Let’s see, ya gotta have one of those, one of those, a delightful Irish guy, a Jewish mensch, you need one ‘intelligent’ black person, now that’s diversity. Of a cynical market-tested sort.  The real power? Where it’s always been.  I can hear someone saying, ‘We’ll give the Black woman HUD, that should satisfy ’em, but we can’t cross Big Ag’.

The Unforgivable Cluster-Fuck Of The Vaccine Rollout.  20 million Americans vaccinated by New Year’s?  How about 3 million? Romney has had it.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Is anybody buying the notion that it was leftists who attacked Pelosi’s house? Because I’m not. This seems of a piece with their campaign to loot stores while claiming it was Antifa.

    They aren’t original, they aren’t clever and they aren’t bright. This has all their hallmarks.

    I mean really — “We want everything” is the kind of horseshit statement right-wingers attribute to liberals, not something any liberal has ever actually said.

  2. bamboozer says:

    It’s the right wingers that are violent, always has it been so, they are the first to take up the spear, the torch and the gun. As I write this assorted far right types are plotting to bomb, shoot and murder not only Biden but any others who get in their way. It is coming America, and you cannot count on the police to stop it as they are complicit. Hoping for the best in Georgia, realize it’s the deep south and realize America is a mess at best, and we have many miles to go yet. Also searching for a soprano to go with my tenor voice. Yes…. We can dream.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Listen to REV’s podcast to get some interesting background on this
