Delaware Republicans Celebrate Coup Attempt and Murder of Capitol Police Officer
Delaware Republicans Rob Stout and Sam Chick giving “thumbs up” while celebrating Wednesday’s coup attempt and murder of a Capitol Police officer.
The DEGOP sent 5 bus loads of Delaware insurrectionists to take part in Trump’s failed coup.
The stated point of the bus trip was to overturn the election results – so when these motherfuckers claim that they were just tourists (and they will), that is a fucking lie.
had coolers of beer to drink for ride home . Entertainment ? mess up peoples house . Hold hostages with plastic ties and hang PENCE from tree .
Use the cell phone data and round these motherfuckers up.
There was a posting that Ginny Thomas paid for the Delaware buses. Witzke has posted on Parler that she was gassed ant that it was glorious. Lordy, let there be tapes!
to blame any person rep or dem for glorying in the death of anyone is a statement of how far this country is falling apart while we tear each other apart we leave ourselfs open for others to divide- control-manlipulate us for there agenda the world whould have us spend our treasure money and blood to fight there wars protect there borders there way of life while they seek to destroy ares
Their……trump loves the uneducated.
That thing reads like it was written by some glitchy AI program.
BTW, who the fuck wears a tie to an insurrection?