I’m outta here to protest Castle’s uselessness

Filed in National by on July 19, 2007

UPDATE: The protest was awesome. 35 people, and we even had a lttle light entertainment by some members of “Generation Chickenhawk.” I’m sure you’ll hear more about it since a couple of lefty bloggers were present. I’ll have a post in the AM regarding my excoriation of Congressman Alfred E. Newman.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. To My Friend, Jason, and his DE Fiberals « First State Politics | July 26, 2007
  1. Anon II says:

    When I opened your blog and got my first glimps of the photo of Alfred E.’s cousin I started to smile.

    I was thinking you had published Mickey’s picture from his Tower Hill junior/senior year book…..if you can get your hands on that and his ‘quote’ you’d have something. I ran across it several years ago at a (sort of) garage sale….still sorry I didn’t invest in this priceless bit of paper.

  2. anon says:

    I can’t believe that lying POS has been around since 1981.

    Delaware Today Magazine, I mean.

  3. Mat Marshall says:

    Great job today, Jason. As for me, I’m a French Surrender Monkey… but that’s for another time.

  4. Jason330 says:


    It was good meeting a fellow Francophile Surrender Monkey blogger face to face.