Interesting Mike Castle Development

Filed in National by on July 20, 2007

Heaping scorn on Mike Castle is easy because his voting record is so out of synch with his rhetoric.

Well it seems that I’m not the only person who has noticed what a crappy job Castle is doing because we have people beginning to express interest in challenging Castle (if he decided to run again which is still unclear).

Sources say that an “early mover” in the race to take on Castle is none other than Rev. Christopher Bullock, pastor of Canaan Baptist Church in Wilmington.

The best case scenario would be that Bullock and a few other Democrats have a tough but clean primary, after which everyone joins together in a concerted effort to unseat the egregiously bad Michael Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. yeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss!!
    good news and thank you Rev.

  2. Rebecca says:


  3. Joshua says:

    Yeah… That’s great. But you know what would be even better? Someone who actually had a chance of beating Castle.

    (No offense to the Rev, but Castle will pound him.)

    The only Dem with the $$ to stand a chance against Castle is Jack Markell. Although I doubt that we’ll see that happen…

    I have it on good authority that Markell actually attended a fundraising event for Castle this past week — a golf outing.

    He’s a hell of a Democrat that Markell…

  4. jason330 says:

    I have it on good authority that Markell actually attended a fundraising event for Castle this past week — a golf outing.

    Can someone please go ahead and call bullshit on this?

  5. jason330 says:

    Can someone please go ahead and call bullshit on Joshua’s bullshitty bullshit?

  6. Jason330 says:

    Can someone go ahead and call bullshit on Josh’s bullshitty bullshit.

  7. jason330 says:

    Can someone go ahead and call bullshit on this for me?

  8. jason330 says:

    What the…?

  9. Why doesn’t John Carney take a stab at a Congressional run? Jack is going fot the guv.
    Bullock has yet to show his stuff but I am really looking forward to hearing him debate! Plus, until recently, the man was a GOPer so perhaps he will out-do Castle on conservative issues that all Delawareans are interested in – like HOW MUCH IS THIS WAR GOING TO BANKRUPT THE USA. Where is the money for children’s health care. Children are our resources too and to do them ill in exchange for securing non-sustainable energy resources in the crazy muck that is the mid-east is unconscionable.

    GO GET ‘EM CHRIS!!!!

  10. jason330 says:

    Josh –

    Why would Markell attending a Castle fundraiser be a “good authority” kind of question. He either did or he didn’t. Which is it?

    Hold it. I know how we’ll kn ow for sure. This is the kind of story that Celia Cohen loves. If Markell supports Castle for re-election I’m sure we’ll hear it from the queen of delaware bloggers pretty soon.

  11. Joshua says:

    What kind of response is this? For all of the bellyaching you do about Mike Castle, you have got some nerve posting something like this. Jack Markell is the best possible Democratic candidate for Congress in 2008 – you know it, I know it.

    Forget the intangibles for a sec and focus on something you know will matter – money. Put simply; he’s got more of it than any other Democrat (including Carney), and potential to raise more of it than anyone else. He is the absolute best chance the Democrats have to unseat Castle. There simply is no one else who has as good a chance as Markell does. If you disagree, and you think someone else has a better chance of beating Mike Castle in 2008, then I’d like to hear your argument.

    Second, I’m getting awfully tired of hearing from you and the other blogosphere rabble about how much more journalistic mojo you have than Celia Cohen, and then failing to step up when it matters. If your journalistic “Kung Fu” is as good as you say it is, why don’t you ask the Markell Campaign if he attended a Mike Castle fund raiser last week and report your findings here?

    After they tell you he did (or lie to you, and tell you he didn’t) you can explain it to the hard working Democratic candidates who have tried to unseat Castle in the past. (I contrast these good folks with those that simply talk about getting Mike Castle out of office – I won’t name any names, I’m just saying…).

    I anxiously await your finding…

  12. jason330 says:

    If you disagree, and you think someone else has a better chance of beating Mike Castle in 2008, then I’d like to hear your argument.

    I’m not sure what your angle is…but I agree with you about Jack. Best chance, best candidate, most money. I’m with you 100%.

    That’s what I’ve been saying he should run against Castle for the past few years on this blog and telling him to his face. But my sense is that the “USS Markell for Congress” has sailed and he was not aboard. If you think there is still a chance to convince him and you have something planned, sign me up.

    In the meantime I’m not into hitting my head against the wall.

    As for my journalism kung-fu – I’ll take the bait. Celia comes back from vacation tomorrow and I’ll see if I can beat her to the punch. I have not finished all the yardwork I had planned for today, but what the heck I love a challenge.

    By the way – befor I start I’ll give you my guess. If it is true that Jack was at some Castle thing, it was probably some (seemingly) apolitical benefit like Biden’s breast cancer thingy. Nevertheless, if it is sponsored by Castle I’ll still be one pissed off blogger and will be dragging Markell through the mud over it.
