DL Open Thread Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021

Filed in National by on February 9, 2021

Tax filings as a requirement for political candidates:

§ 5502 Persons eligible to Run for Office

(a) No person shall qualify to appear on the general election ballot of this State as a candidate unless and until such person files three most recent year tax returns with the office of the State Election Commissioner.

This is legislation hereby filed by me.  What’s the point?  To prevent abominations like Trump running for President and to put Republicans like Lawson, Bonini, Wilson, Pettyjohn, Hocker, Richardson, Hensley, Spiegelman, Smyk, Ramone, Smith, Morris, Postles, Yearick, Vanderwende, Shupe, Briggs King, Gray, Short, Dukes, and Collins not record – are they Americans or are they Trumpites?  

Is anyone shocked to find out that Trump’s entire impeachment defense is based on  a clumsy lie?   

‘I Said The Opposite’: Criticism Of Trump’s Impeachment Defense Intensifies

Other top Trump Impeachment Defense Points:

  • You never do what I ask.
  • If only you would then I wouldnt have to react badly.
  • You make me feel so angry.
  • Just do it my way and everything will be fine.
  • I only hurt you because you hurt me first.
  • This riot is for your own good.
  • I know what is best for you; your judgment is off.
  • You misheard me, I never said that.
  • You have a bad memory; I know what really happened.
  • It is your fault that we are in this mess, not mine.
  • Youre confused, I know what is right.
  • You are such a liar
  • You should be ashamed of yourself; Im not like that at all.
  • The Bible says riots are ok.
  • I have to incite riots to get your attention.
  • Its not my fault that you are hypersensitive.
  • You intentionally make-up stories about me to embarrass me.
  • You dont hear me when I talk in a normal voice.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (3)

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  1. Biden To Ask 56 Trump-Appointed US Attorneys To Resign:


    This is standard. Good riddance.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    And this is not standard,,,,,, you know because ethics and integrity:)

    In a call Monday night, acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson asked Delaware US Attorney David Weiss to remain in office, where he is overseeing the tax probe of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son.

  3. jason330 says:

    Not putting Republicans to difficult votes (and I’m not saying “Tax filings as a requirement for political candidates” is a good example – it probably sucks, in fact) is related to Dems unwillingness to fight.

    I hope this changes in the current legislative season. We need votes that make Republicans squirm while advancing Democratic policy initiatives.

    Republicans have always been good at it. Democrats are terrible.