DL Open Thread: Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

Filed in National by on February 10, 2021

Brexit Remorse

No shit, Sherlock.

Brexit has turned out to be “considerably worse” than he feared, says the chairman of one of Britain’s largest retail chains.

He said: “I actually think it was not properly thought out. All the spin that was put on it about being free trade and free movement has not been the reality.

“The new system and red tape just slows down efficiency. The freedom of movement and obstacles are quite difficult at the moment. I don’t see that regulatory paperwork easing much in the short term,” Mr Cowgill said.

The number of fancy British businesspeople who believed Brexit would be good for them is a damning charge against British business acumen in general. They got conned completely and with such ease. Even opportunists betting against Brexit seem few on the ground. There’s just the vulture of foreign capital wheeling overhead, waiting for the beasts to die.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Heard (brace your self) Castor was a disaster, not surprised, more the a few thousand lawyers out there that are not worth the proverbial time of day, it matters not with the radical Fascists that comprise the Republicans at this point. No points of law, let alone the constitution, just make up some crap and spew it forth. This is what the senate has descended to, this is what we pay for and smile in far too many cases.

    • Alby says:

      He’s from Montgomery County, Pa., where I grew up. He was such a disaster there that after they elected him, the entire county stopped electing Republicans. After generations of being a Republican stronghold, it’s now pure blue.

    • jason330 says:

      Verily, The GOP is a shambling zombie husk animated only by a virus called trump. What policies do they champion? At least the Italian fascists favored efficient trains. What principles do they hold dear? I can’t think of a single one.

      They will vote to acquit, but history (and, who knows..voters?) will not quit them.

  2. Alby says:

    Re: Health clinic shooting. He had been threatening this for years. He was apparently unhappy with doctors over his back surgery which, had this fuckwad been able to read, he should have known has only about a 50% success rate.

    This guy is why I changed my mind and am now in favor of capital punishment. Not the way we currently use it, that is, mostly for scary Blah people, but for open-and-shut cases like this that are not crimes of passion but crimes of terroristic intent. He wants health care? Fine. Give him a ride on Ol’ Drowsy.

    • Alby says:

      More information has come in. Gregory Ulrich, 67, was mad at doctors because they wouldn’t give him as much oxycodone as he wanted.

      A former roommate who lived with Ulrich for two years told Fox 9 the 67-year-old had a problem with drugs and an outspoken resentment of doctors.

      “He didn’t like the doctors because they wouldn’t give him all the pain killers he wanted. They’d give him a month supply, and it would be gone in a few days,” Raymond Zastra was quoted saying.

      Zastra, who said he would often see Ulrich “just sit on the couch high,” said he was shocked when his roommate apparently obtained a gun permit because law enforcement “knew he was a wack job.”

  3. Alby says:

    I don’t think the Republican Party is doing populism right.

  4. jason330 says:

    For the score keepers –

    # of Americans killed in Benghazi: 4
    # of Americans killed during Trump coup attempt: 5