Meet the Clowns Getting Your Tax Dollars

Filed in National by on February 4, 2009

No, this is not another bank post. This is about Derek Dye — Abstinence Clown. Mr. Dye apparently hauls his clown shoes all over Ohio to tell kids that pre-marital sex will destroy your dreams and that pre-marital sex is just like juggling machetes. I.Kid.You.Not. This guy is part of the failed abstinence-only program, which, it looks like, is another version of wingnut welfare. Behold:

Frankly, I am just stunned that anyone thinks that this is a reasonable way to speak to children, much less is worth paying for. And I’ll also add that kids seem to know when you do not take them seriously — and grown man dressing up as a clown to talk to kids about sex just invites those kids to ignore any adult who would subject them to this bit of disingenuousness.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (18)

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  1. pandora says:

    Sex and machetes? Bet every 7th grade boy in the audience had his legs crossed while this clown drew this comparison.

  2. David says:

    Good stuff, I guess that you are reacting to your own regrets.

  3. Reis says:

    After seeing his picture, I understand the philosophy: “If I have no chance of getting laid, I don’t want anyone else having any fun either.”

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I hope the abstinence-only gravytrain ends soon.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    Reis is probably correct. No one in a sweater like that is getting any sex.

    Also, can someone tell me what the fuck David’s comment means. If someone has a problem with this abstinence bullshit than one regrets having sex… I highly doubt it.

  6. RSmitty says:

    I hate you all. I was giving myself a one week time out, as I was getting way too hyped up over hater-boy, but all of your combined inability to see the obvious here is just paining me to no end!

    This may be the ONLY abstinence program that works on the PLANET and you fools can’t see it!!! GAAH! Aggrevating!!! You want to know why? What does this guy make you want to do??? What will you do, because of this guy, that can be (depending on the person) just as enjoyable as sex???

    (wait for it)



    Tip the staff and order the veal! I’ll be back in the near future.

  7. anon says:

    The only abstinence program that works is marriage.

  8. Reis says:

    Smitty, I thought it was “choke the clown”?

  9. RSmitty says:

    Hmm…I’ve always heard “punch,” but hey, “choke” works here, too! 😛

    You sure you aren’t thinking of “choke the chicken?” I guess that means a man in a chicken suit could be an abstinence advoicate as well.

    anon – only one prankster at a time…shoo. 😆

  10. jason330 says:


    Thanks in no small part to your pep talk, I’m a calm sensible middle of the road moderate now. Haven’t you noticed?

    Viva bi-partisanship!

  11. RSmitty says:

    You’ve been punching the clown? There’s always other reasons to calm down and relax.

  12. DJK says:

    That’s about as silly as gun control.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    Thanks Jason–Got the video.
    And since I post under my real name will just defer to any prior expletive used by you earlier. You covered me nicely for that one. So that means I just halved your outburst to reasonable–so he gets a pass on this one Smitty OK?

    So meanwhile-his dream was to be a clown. OK.
    And typical 7th graders understand analogy?
    And the repeat of “practicing abstinence”, makes me think of OK-“you’ll get it next time”–cause abstinence didn’t work this time, and we weren’t prepared.
    And for the grand finale, how many 7th graders went home to the butcher block, gathered up the knives, a few buddies, and said “I know I can do that–look here” in their driveways, and basements, before mom got home, but not over a friend because that is the only direct message spoken. IF this was a real program, and not some staged anti-abstinence creation, then pull the plug. However, abstinence should also be taught as part of a comprehensive health/birth control section in our schools, and not dismissed as an alternative. Get rid of the clowns, and teach the facts, all of the facts.

  14. cassandra m says:

    I do think that there are plenty of parents out there who really, really want their kids to wait to become sexually active. That is OK — but I think that the subject is serious enough to transmit that message via a more credible source — like parents or pastors or teachers and not folks whose attention shtick is clown shoes. But I agree with you Joanne — the message needs to be part of a comprehensive health/birth control conversation because kids have a serious habit of not following every step of the path parents wish they were on.

  15. RSmitty says:

    Ah, Joanne. J can go on punching the clown all he wants. I see that it has made a difference and I am willing to accept that, so long as it makes him more tolerable. As a matter of fact, I hear Mrs. Jason is condoning it as well!

    note to self…check car tires and look for “devices” every time you go to start car…especially when in MOT area…

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t really see how abstinence education makes kids wait to have sex. Something like 99% of the world has sex eventually so I don’t really see how telling someone not to do what is a simple human need will stop it. It’s like telling someone to stop eating.

  17. pandora says:

    In the words of Al Franken: I want everyone to tell me about the time they lost their virginity and every sentence should begin On my wedding night

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    Now UI–that’s stop eating high fats, quick carbs, empty calories, fast foods, burned bacon, animal fats, preservatives, additives, tuna caught with dolphin, and Chilean grapes. Abstinence has it’s place. It needs to be taught as an alternative, and not with the baggage of giggles and doubt setting a tone of bias and ridicule. The values piece can be attached at home, worship places, or peer group. Not in a classroom or clinic of information gathering. You may want to compare it to stop eating–and we see all the “helpful” directives around that–why be opposed to abstinence, and the “helpful” directives around that? Let’s see, no pregnancy, reduced STD rates, reduced infertility rate, no remorse of one-night stands, and whatever else. Just include it–and fairly.