That’s right, Bitch. You fucking lost.

Filed in National by on April 10, 2021

“…By spring 1865, Confederates, who had ridden off to war four years before boasting that they would beat the North’s money-grubbing shopkeepers in a single battle were broken and starving, while, backed by a booming industrial economy, the Union army could provide rations for twenty-five thousand men on a moment’s notice.

The Civil War was won not by the dashing sons of wealthy planters, but by men like Grant, who dragged himself out of his blankets and pulled a dirty soldier’s uniform over his pounding head on an April morning because he knew he had to get up and get to work.” – Heather Cox Richardson

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Since we’re still stuck with the south, their racism and hatreds it begs the question who really won the war? The north certainly lost the post war era as it let the traitors shape the narrative , even allowing military bases after Confederate general who had slaughtered thousands of Americans.

    • jason330 says:

      True. The North won the war but lost the peace because they were almost as racist as the southerners.

      But that “almost” is shouldering a lot of weight. The almost is the difference between the northern view that Africans were inferior but human and the slave master’s view that Africans were subhuman.

    • Ben says:

      Someone get this (wo?)man a beer. 100% nailed it.

      We shoulda let them go, but gone to war to rescue the slaves. Then build a giant wall along the S Maryland boarder.

  2. puck says:

    “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”