DL Open Thread Monday April 18th 2021 – GUNS, GUNS, GUNS Edition

Filed in National by on April 19, 2021

‘They just shot my baby,’ says father, moments after 7-year-old daughter killed at McDonald’s in Homan Square/Chicago

Wilmington– Delaware State Police are investigating a shooting that occurred early Saturday morning.

On Saturday, April 17, 2021, at approximately 1:28 a.m., an 18-year-old female was operating a 2019 Kawasaki EX4 motorcycle on I-95 northbound in the area of Martin Luther King Boulevard when unknown suspects began shooting at her from a vehicle. The victim turned onto North Walnut Street and attempted to get away from the suspects as they continued to chase and shoot at her. As the victim attempted to make a left turn, she crashed into a parked car and fell to the ground. As she was on the ground, the suspect vehicle stopped next to her before fleeing the area.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Societies that live by the gun, so shalt they perish, one at a time or in bunches. We now have assholes parading around with guns thanks to the stupidity of the politicians and a rogue supreme court that has twisted the 2nd amendment it to something it was never intended to be. Interesting as when it suits them they claim ti be “Originalists”. There’s an endless parade of mass shotting and yet nothing from the assorted cowards in congres, and it’s not just the gun loving Republicans.

  2. Alby says:

    Here’s a nice example of police failing to use the appropriate level of force. A 73-year-old Colorado woman who suffers from Alzheimer’s was accused of shoplifting. Police rolled up on her and within 8 seconds tackled her — she weighs 80 pounds — and handcuffed her violently enough to dislocate her shoulder and break her arm. There’s body cam footage.


  3. Alby says:

    As if the average cop weren’t dangerous enough, the head of the Oath Keepers terrorist organization told “60 Minutes” they’re being trained by cops, whose ranks all over the country have been infiltrated by white supremacists.


  4. Alby says:

    Tom Tomorrow reminds us who the most dangerous gun carriers are:


  5. puck says:

    That ruddy and well-fed guy in the photo is ironically holding what to my untrained eye is a bolt-action sniper rifle, which is one of the few weapons used for legitimate sport and AFAIK never used in crimes.

    • jason330 says:

      Yes. That poster boy for Micro-Dick Syndrome is the President of the Delaware NRA affiliate. The way he is posed in that photo, he might as well be wearing a sign around his neck that reads “I’m compensating for my micro-dick”

  6. Alby says:

    “Sport.” Heh.

  7. jason330 says:

    BTW – Senator Lawson should recuse himself from any gun safety votes. He owns a fucking gun store, for christsake.

    He is a walking conflict of interest.