BREAKING: Verdict Is Reached In Chauvin Trial: Guilty. Guilty. Guilty!!!

Filed in National by on April 20, 2021

No way they’re acquitting him this quickly.  Chauvin is already in the courthouse. Verdict announcement likely within 30 minutes. Back with the verdict as soon as it happens…

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  1. The verdicts:

    Guilty on all three counts!!

    Justice, such as it is, has been served.

  2. I think this is the perfect time to point out that, thanks to Franklin Cooke, a Black ex-cop-turned-legislator, whose constituency is overwhelmingly Black, and the Cop Cabal leaders of the House, it will almost be impossible for a Delaware cop to be convicted of such a crime…even IF there’s a full video recording of the killing.

  3. bamboozer says:

    The lesson is never vote for a cop let alone allow one to run for office as a Dem, that was a huge mistake that haunts us to this day.

  4. Cooke got less than 50% of the primary vote against two challengers in 2018. That was before he sold his constituents down the river.

    He’s the morning-line favorite for most deserving of being primaried in 2022. Not even the Cop Cabal can gerrymander that district enough to prevent a strong challenge.