
Filed in National by on April 23, 2021

Newsmax host accuses Fox News of being in league with China

GRANT STINCHFIELD (HOST): Fox News continues to disappoint conservatives across America. I want to know, why did Fox News can Lou Dobbs?

I have come to the conclusion Fox News no longer supports President Trump’s America first principles, which is why they couldn’t stand Lou Dobbs on their air.

Maybe Fox News banishing Dobbs from their network is more sinister. Maybe it’s about China. The Murdochs’ investments and business ties to that rogue nation, maybe that’s what this is about.

Here are some of them — did you know Fox News helped China’s leading state broadcaster build its website years ago? Rupert Murdoch’s third wife is a mainland Chinese. She was well-known for managing elite connections in China, between the Murdochs and Chinese government officials. In 2018, the Murdochs’ own Wall Street Journal raised the question, could she be a Chinese spy? And it is well known the Murdochs have spent decades trying to capitalize off the Chinese media market. Maybe, this is why Fox News could not tolerate Lou Dobbs doing this.  https://www.mediamatters.org/newsmax/newsmax-host-accuses-fox-news-being-league-china

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    No! Not Lou Dobbs! Whats a far right ranter to do if he’s not on Fox News? Other then wail and gnash his teeth in the darkness.

  2. Alby says:

    I remember that Jack Nicholson line from “As Good as It Gets.” He plays a romance writer, and when a fan asks him how he writes women so well, he responds, “I think of a man. And I remove reason and accountability.”

    Republicans thought of that as a recipe.

  3. All Seeing says:

    This is so funny. Isn’t Rupert’s ex a chinese spy? Just asking?