GOP Civil War Comes to Delaware – Factions Square Off In Pitched Street Battles

Filed in National by on May 16, 2021

One one side you have the Trumpers; Witzke and all of the the downstate GOP, Republican Primary voters, Republican general election voters, campaign donors and the right wing media complex. On the other side you have the Republicans who try to pretend that they aren’t Republicans; Kevin Hensley, Mike Ramone, Chris Coons.

You can see the fallacious thinking at work here, right? There is no opposition to the Trumpers. There is no GOP civil war in Delaware or anywhere. It is a fucking joke concocted (like this headline) for clicks and page views.

Hensley, Ramone and Coons will lay the fuck down and do what ever Trump tells them to do. So while it is fun to make pretend that the GOP is facing a split, I know DL readers are smarter enough to see through the hype.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    So while Pelosi condemns House Republicans and extolls Cheney’s “courage, patriotism and integrity” it is the courage and integrity of Hiroo Onoda. The last Japanese soldier to formally surrender after the country’s defeat in World War II in 1974.

    Pelosi said “For the sake of our democracy, reasonable Republicans across the country must take back their party.”

    What a joke. There are no reasonable Republicans.