DL Open Thread Tuesday May 18th 2021

Filed in National by on May 17, 2021

Rudy Logic: How can I be guilty? I was just a corrupt lawyer working for my corrupt client doing corrupt things.

Let’s be clear – abortions will always be safe, legal and justified for rich people.  The “Forced Births for Poor People” zealots are going to have their day in court and will overturn Roe v Wade in a little shitty squirrely way that will allow them to deny having overturned Roe v wade.

The Supreme Court also decided to NOT make it easier for cops to to enter a home without a warrant on public safety grounds. Again, if you are poor your milage may vary.

Do you want stop procrastinating?
Stare at a wall for 15 minutes.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Last week a group of 120 former top military brass signed a bonkers letter accusing Joe Biden of Marxism.

    Among the proud anti-Marxists whose names are listed is one Rear Adm. Jack Meehoff.


  2. Alby says:

    Killer cops in North Carolina being exonerated by prosecutor, who claimed the murder was justified because Brown ignored deputies’ commands to stop and began to drive his car directly at one of the officers.

    Began to drive his car. Are we taken for stupid enough to fall for this shit? You can’t “fear for your life” when the car is going 20 mph tops.

    Just to be sure, I looked it up. Eight law enforcement officers were struck and killed by vehicles in 2020. Exactly zero of them were driven by suspects. They were mostly killed while processing traffic stops or assisting motorists or other officers. One was even struck and killed by another cop.

    Zero died from cars being driven at them with intent. Zero (0). This is worst excuse in their dungpile of lame excuses for killing people who look Black.