Flip Romney On the Ropes, Just Goes Nuts

Filed in National by on July 25, 2007

Is it any wonder that when considering their primary choices, the top pick among Republican voters is “none of the above?” In case you thought the automatic conflation of Democrats and communists was a fantasy relegated to the depths of most rabid right wing blogs and the braying on radical radio, Mitt Romney is here to prove otherwise.

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney took aim at Democratic rivals on Sunday, calling them all unprepared to lead the country and comparing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s economic plan to that of Socialist Karl Marx.

“Hillary Clinton just gave a speech the other day about her view on the economy. She said we have been an on-your-own society. She said it’s time to get rid of that and replace that with shared responsibility and we’re-in-it-together society,” Romney told the crowd. “That’s out with Adam Smith and in with Karl Marx.”

Wait… Hillary Clinton said people should work together? Where’s my pitchfork? A good thing Romney’s vaunted religious leanings are all about elevating selfishness above the needs of others, getting what’s yours no matter what, and defeating that dratted spirit of community involvement, voluntarism, and teamwork.

That’s okay. I’m sure Romney can’t be held responsible for any words that just happened to come in contact with his mouth. Just how many macaca moments can one “we should double Guantanamo” candidate have, anyway? – kos diarists Devilstower

Flipp wants to be known as the Republican version of Joe Biden.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dave says:

    He’s right.

    Did you read the text of her speech?

  2. Jason330 says:

    Flip Romney On the Ropes, Flipp supporter Just Goes Nuts

  3. oedipa maas says:

    I just read her speech. And Multiple-Choice Mitt is Wrong.

    First, I think we need a new rule — only those who have actually read either Adam Smith or Karl Marx get to comment on them.

    Second, labeling as socialist a speech that accepts the overall benefits of globalization, highlights the benefits of free markets, and proposes to to get the government out of the Corporate Welfare business (’cause that is how you get freer markets, you know) doesn’t pass the smell test.

    Third, I’m not a Hillary supporter, but Multiple-Choice Mitt’s need to invoke Karl Marx as to ramp up the scariness just reeks of flop sweat. His poor dog could do better than this…

  4. Dave says:

    Not to mention her previous statements, like “Many of you are well enough off that … the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.

    Although that may be a wet dream here at DL, it’s scary s**t to most of the country.

  5. oedipa maas says:

    Ah yes, the ever-popular changing of the subject. What happened to defending Multiple Choice Mitt’s socialist crap?

    Unless, of course, you find rescinding the tax cuts to actually pay for a war you endorse and to pay for Corporate Welfare you endorse socialist.

    I’m definitely in favor of reforming the AMT (part of what HRC says will get America back on track) since me and my accountant are dancing every tax year to make sure I don’t pay it. Rolling back tax cuts (even better since I did not get much of one) to help pay for the Iraq boondoggle works as fiscally responsible for me.

    And don’t start with the Tax Cuts Pay for Themselves mess. Neither the Treasury’s or CBO’s analysis supports that claim.

  6. Rebecca says:

    What amazes me is the capacity for self-deception. There are still people who believe there were WMDs and Saddam was allied with Bin Laden. And, there are still people who believe that tax cuts pay for themselves and that trickle down economics work. They are the same people. What the heck planet do they live on? I know they sincerely believe this crap but how do they manage to totally dodge reality? Oh yeah, they watch Faux News.

  7. What oedipa maas said!

  8. Dave says:

    “What happened to defending Multiple Choice Mitt’s socialist crap?”

    He basically called Hillary Clinton a socialist, which she proves when she says “we’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

    I know I’m in the nuthouse here at DL, but you can’t honestly think that’s a good idea.

    And you guys can talk all you want about the economy, but every leading indicator is through the roof.

    Who’s dodging reality now?

  9. oedipa maas says:

    But if the common good is paying for all of the corporate and war subsidies that you want, then how is that socialist? It is not as though she is taking the money and funneling it to her friends — she is proposing to pay for some of the giveaways and boondoggles that BushCo has engaged in. It DOES have to be paid for, and clearly tax revenues are not paying for it. Or have I just run into the Republican Credit Card economy again?

    And the ONLY leading indicator through the roof is corporate profits. Which would only lead someone who actually manages a budget to conclude that AT LEAST Corporate Welfare can end.

    Reality is paying for the government you endorse and so far you still haven’t dealt with that reality. Today’s talking points pay for nothing in reality.